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Do women stare into the eyes of a man if she likes him???


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It's human nature to turn away for a little when you're looking at something. Especially if you're staring at something. Just remember...looking back is an option that not everyone chooses. hehehe.


Clusters?? Hmmm...do you mean like staring and smiling = good?


Like maybe...teasing + smiling + touching = better?






Yes, but just looking, fussing with your hair and smiling may be a cluster.

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Hey Bobster,


Glad to see this thread still going =) I've gotten some useful tidbits as well actually..I was just looking over my old message, sorry if it came off as a bit crude, I think I was just really frustrated when i wrote it. The thing about flirting is that it's so ambiguous, and as a very logical person can drive me crazy at times because there's no clear distinction about a person's intentions. I try to rely on my best judgmement, but it is difficult at times..and sometimes a 2nd opinion really helps as well, and some shortcuts like 'clusters' as well =)


take care,



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Hey Bobster,


It sounds like she's attracted to you..I sent you a pm with some advice though, so check your inbox! In short though, I would suggest asking her out casually to something small - i.e. lunch with her alone, or bring her friend, just to get to know each other better. Or ask her to the cast afterparty (assuming there is one) after the play if she attends. Or if she mentions doing something you enjoy (i.e. skating/skiing) mention somewhere where you guys can go together..


I usually like to get to know guys I like as friends first, to know if we really have chemistry & if I want to date him so this is why I'd suggest these types of things first..so you guys would have an opportunity to talk. I'm a little over movie dates at this point, esp. as a first date..not my thing. Talking over coffee is a bit better, or going skating, or going out for drinks, something like that..


But it's up to you. I think you should go for it though!! =)


Merry Christmas,



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I usually like to get to know guys I like as friends first, to know if we really have chemistry & if I want to date him so this is why I'd suggest these types of things first..so you guys would have an opportunity to talk.



I know it has been beaten to death before, but what kind of chemistry do you expect to see, and would you quantify how many dates would you give him??



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