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Man ive been taking these new zyprexa pills for people who are bi polar are great!Ive been happy for like the last 4 weeks pretty often and they seem to have been working.Unless this a manic stage of being bi-polar i feel great right now and im so happy and cant stop thinking about only good things.What medications are u guys taking anybody else that is bi-polar.How do u guys cope with it?And how much do u guys love ur new found happiness? Im currently enjoying it

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Hi Shinobie,

I'm glad to see you finally happy.


I've been wondering myself if I'm bi polar. I was really depressed last week but today I was full of energy and happy and looking forward to the future and then all of a sudden I lost it and got really frustrated at myself for not doing laundry! I threw all the laundry on the floor and went to bed and was really depressed again. Now I'm fine but I'm not sleeping. This is not usual for me. Maybe I should get this checked out? I don't know.


Anyway, I'm glad you found happiness. It doesn't matter where it comes from.

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That's the first time I hear about Bipolar Disorder. Well, there sure is a lot of kinds of depression around! Last year someone told me that I might be suffering from S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It's to do with winter and the lack of sunshine. Well don't know if that's true or not 'cause different kinds of depression disorders tend to have the same or share quite a few symptoms.


I used to think that it's all in the head, and thereforeeee, positive thinking was the desired solution. However, I found out that these disorders are also caused my by some biological deficiencies. So, some kind of medication is needed in some cases. However, I don't know, I wouldn't like to be constantly hung up on pills to be happy. Well, I guess that with every disease you've got to take medication, but I'd hate my happiness to be dependent on medical drugs. Then again it could be argued that people with diabetes have their daily shot of insulin and that makes them feel better. I don't know. However naive that might sound, I just wished we didn't have to go through that hell that is depression! One minute you are happy, the next you feel like crap.


I've come to realise that it's good to know the 'cause of the depression we suffer. Being positive alone is like covering a pile of dirt with soft silk. It doesn't get rid of the dirt, it just makes it look nice that's all.


Now I'm trying to search for happiness and cure in spirituality and philosophy. How effective it is, I don't know. Just hope I'm not covering the dirt!


Take care all and keep up the fight for happiness - true happiness

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