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std question


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ok, so im dating this gitl, and we started talking about sex, like, am i a virgin? how many people ive been with.


ive only been with one person, and we always used a condom.


but she said shes had sex with 4 different guys, a bunch of times.


my question is, if she has a std or not, would i be std safe if i had a condom, also, if i gave her oral, and she had a std, will anything happen to me? std wise?

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STI's (Sexually Transmitted Infection) can be transmitted through oral sex. If you are concerned about getting an STI then you need to use protection if you are going to give her oral sex, dental dam is a well known product. However if you are more frugal you can use saran wrap. It is important to know that it doesnt matter how many people u have had sex with, ANYBODY can get a STI. If you are that concerned then both of you should get tested that way you can safe.

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Oral Sex on a man that has an STD, can result in herpes, AIDS, hepatitis B, gonnorrhea, suphills, and warts. Oral Sex on a woman with an STD can result in herpes, AIDS (less risky than oral sex on a man but still possible), hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphills, warts. To prevent the tranformation from oral sex on a man use a condom. To prevent it from oral sex on a woman use a female condom, dental dam, or saran wrap.

These are risky but the most risky is if u have sex, which can result in the same thing plus pregnancy and chlamydia.

Some sypmtoms of STD's are pretty common and that can be confusing. Burning sensations when you pee can be sign of a urinary tract infection or chlamydia. The potentially confusing nature of symptoms is why it's important to really familiarize yourself. Be attentive to changes, and if you notice anything suspicious don't self diagnose. Go to a doctor. Try not to feel awkward about bringing up fears of an STD with your dr. they're used to it. Testing for herpes, chlamydia, and warts is very routine and they're also bound to rules of confidentiality and won't tell anyone. If you have been tested already and know you have an STD it really is your responsiblity to tell any past and potential sex partners about your conidition. Your partner should be checked out by a doctor and treated if necessary. I suggest you both go for a checkup together. Better safe than sorry.

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