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how to make this girl notice me...?


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So there's this girl I like that I sit next to in one of my classes. Ive said about a total of 20 words to her ever, so no, were not friends. I know its a bad idea to tell some1 that you like them out of the blue. So I was thinking how do I get her to notice me and eventually mebbe flirt with her? This must be 9th grade appropriate, I dont especially want to get into trouble, plus there are a bunch of other people around and i dont wanna be too obvious (and i dont want to be seen as a pervert/stalker or anything, because im not). Is just casual conversation first off a good idea? Furthermore, she has one of her friends sitting near here who she always talks too, so not much opportunity for me to make a move... Plus I have to get noticed within like 4 weeks since then she will no longer be sitting near me and I'm not gonna randomly approach her. and after a few weeks of casual conversation how do i drop hints that i like her? 8)

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thanks for the advice so far (or at least the constructive/useful advice ).


One problem is that i doubt that she has a sn, and phones are kinda a bigger step... Plus, she reads a lot in class, which wouldn't sem like a problem but gives me less of an oputrunity to talk to her. (teacher hates that , but for some reason its one of the reasons i like her. )especialy before class, and i dont wanna be rude and interrupt her reading and make her mad. i will try the borrowing a pencil idea . any more ??



[removed class name, some of my friends are getting too nosy]... too bad that im not really funny cause i really dont wanna be noticed for not being funny.



just talk to the girl if ya like her. She'll probably like ya.


I hope so



Gauchori - somehow I dont think thats a good idea




mjones333 - yeah i do know her name, its kinda weird cause its almost the same as my mom's . Cant really talk about grades cause i get really good grades (usually) and i usually make people mad when i talk about my grades i will try the asking for a pencil idea though. .any other good ones?


yeah man, i usta be real shy about even talking to girls which why i dont have many female friends, then one day i figured out how easy it is to talk to them,


Any tips?

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What about school activities or sports? could you ask her to a basketball game or dance or something like that? or maybe to a movie?


I will eventually, but right now i really dont know her well enough. I'm looking for ways to start out a possible relationship from step 1 (ie. things i could start a conversation with, etc...).


As i said, I 've only ever said a handful of things to her, and shes only in one of my classes ( ). But I have always been polite to her (ie if i need to pass her in a row of desks I say "excuse me" and "thanks", not heh hem....)

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okay guys, im surprised thats all you got lol. no its not bad advice, the casual conversations work. but i think a great one is using the friend of a friend...get into her little circle of friends, become friends with her friends and then it will look normal to just talk to her. also, i know this sounds immature, but sometimes its a great way to get attention and get into her...bug her a LITTLE. i dont mean harass her here, dont make her mad, just if she laughs or smiles or anything, trust me she likes it. like lets say you pass by her desk, like knock her pencil on the ground, not something that will have papers like a binder, just something small like an eraser or something, or just steal it for a second and see her reaction. i know this sounds risky but CHANCES ARE she'll crack a smile, especially if you are a pretty respectful guy. you could also ask her for help, or to study together for a test, definite way to have fullll conversations with her. but ya, if she has msn or something, that would reallly be helpful, trust me it gets easy there. so hope i gave enough...pm me if ya want. bye

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i'd advise against the book thing. if i'm getting into a book, the last thing i want is an interruption.


sounds like to me, what you need is confidence. it's really easy to get, but most shy people just don't want to do it.


people in general are usually attracted to people who are sure of themselves, are relatively relaxed, but also have a drive too.


also, you're going to have to get her attention yourself by talking to her. don't think there's anything you can do to get her to just come up to you (unless you're very good looking, and even in that case, you'd still have to act a bit confident and relaxed too).


i can understand where you're coming from, i was like that when i was 14 too. just be friendly, relaxed and sure of yourself. don't try to impress her, but do try to pay attention to her. smile. it's a lot easier than you think. trying to be perfect usually just gets in the way, just relax be friendly and be yourself.

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using the friend of a friend


that should work... i kinda know one of her friends a bit




but sometimes its a great way to get attention and get into her...bug her a LITTLE


I cant do that... too risky, i dont know her well enouf, and I am a "nice" guy



could also ask her for help, or to study together for a test,



well, mebbe later, it would be kinda obvious now


Great advice tho! (nice to see a female opinion)


pm me if ya want. bye


I might just take u up on that if theres any problems



maybe you should call her a nickname after awhile


ya, i like that...


try to see her more at school "accidentally" if you know what i mean


I do know where her locker is



sit near her at lunch maybe??


Cant theres 3 different lunch periods


what you need is confidence. it's really easy to get, but most shy people just don't want to do it.


i try



i'd advise against the book thing. if i'm getting into a book, the last thing i want is an interruption.


I was gonna do it today. good i didnt, then


I found all the recent advice helpful, thanks guys, keep em comin

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I'm just your age. I know I didn't become a girl's friend until last year when they all became my friend. All you need to do is talk. It doesn't matter what, I know I became more confident when I went to High School, maybe you should just talk a little more. Become friends with her, talk to her once, then the next day, don't talk to her. Then the next day talk a little more than the first time, and just make her notice you and get use to you. They say you can't miss what you don't have. Say hi to her in the hallways. Talk to her about herself, everyone likes that. If she's a sweet girl, she'll appreciate that and hold you high on a pedestal.



Now as for going further, good luck. I know I'm "baby cute" as all my girl friends say (they say I look 10 rather than 14). I have blue eyes. I'm underweight. I've liked 3 girls my age, and 2 girls older than me. All have been mean to me since they found out I liked them. Make sure she likes you before you ask her out.

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