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Just recent recently I started driving and my parents allowed me to travel about 15 miles away to see my girlfriend over the weekends...well, I also got into a car accident and now I have to wait at least 3 months before I can drive again. I am finally over that loss, but my parents are blaming my girlfriend for the accident. They said if I never got back together with my ex, then I never would've never gotten in that accident. It's true, but I wouldn't be as happy as I was if I never saw her. And I can't blame anybody else for an event that happened to me and me alone. My parents were starting to care less and less about the expenses of the accident and we were starting to move on. Since, I can't drive out to my gf's house, I must wait for every other weekend for her father to have custody of her for the weekend (and her father lives a street away from my house. This weekend she was here, and my parents refused to let me see her saying that she was "dangerously quiet" and "she really doesn't love you" On Saturday, I went to the movies with her and her father came with us knowing it would piss her off and she started crying at which point her father was laughing at her. She just wanted to be with me for the weekend and she wasn't being allowed. I haven't seen her since Saturday and after I went to the movies with her on Saturday my parents received a letter from my gf written to me through the mail and they read it. I guess she had a fantasy of sleeping naked next to me and she was telling me that she had a fun time fooling around in my car. My parents think that she wants to have sex with me, but we have told each other that we don't want to go that far until we are financially secure. Now they have banned me from seeing her anymore and we refuse to break up. What do you think I should do about this?



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It sounds as if her parents don't trust you either (and letters with sexual content don't help matters)


stop seeing each other until you are 18 and old enough to make your own decisions without your parent's control. Othwise, your parents can, and will...see to it your life is absolutley miserable.


While you live under thier roof...it's their rules.

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I tend to not agree so much on the their roof their rules. While yes, it IS their roof, and you have to respect their rules, you arent and wont be a little kid forever, and they do need to make some compromises. I see it more like "Their roof, their rules, my life"


Basically, if they dontlike her, or want you to bring her home, then fair enough, and if they hace stuff for you to do, then yeah, it comes first, however what you do outside of home, as long as it isnt illegal, is none of their business really. Its how I grew up, and its the same understanding I reached with my parents from the age of 16, I told them straght out "It's my life, let me learn from MY choices, not yours"


If their is one thing I cant stand, it's parents or relatives who say "I know whats best for you". They DON'T, as they are NOT me, and people dont even know what's best for them, let alone someone else.


You are nearly an adult, and in all fairness, I think you should be getting the respect that most adults get. On the same note, you should show ur parents that you are trustworthy and mature. Its a 2 way street.

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