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Hi, I just confessed to this girl i liked forever but...

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major prob! I don't kno if she likes me back. Her answers seemed very abrupt to me


Ok i'm 17...but i'm pretty new to the dating scene. I've liked this girl since i was like 12-13, we're very close friends, but she moved away a couple years ago. We both like the same music etc. and get along very well, we chat on MSN quite a lot as well.


Anyway, i decided to just go with it and tell her how I feel. I can't really describe what happened but heres a gist of the convo


-we start talking bout stuff, like neighborhoods etc.

-she asks me how my love life is, i say 'can't get my mind off sum1' then ask her about hers

-she says she has a b/f now since 3 weeks ago, and stuff bout how he asked her etc.

-i just continued the convo casually, but i was talking to my other friend at the same time getting advice on if i should ask or not, she was like it's ur call, and i said 'u kno wat, im gonna do it'

-so i tell the girl i like 'i need 2 tell u something

-shes like 'go ahead'

-i'm like 'it mite change a lot of things'

-shes like 'i'm sure it wont'

-i'm like 'i liked you for a long time, since grade 6, even now'

-she's like 'omg this is unexpected, i always thought u liked my friend'

-i was like 'nah, just u, but i was jus worried it'd change a lot of things'

-she's like 'nah, it wont change a lot, we'll still talk and stuff'

-i'm like 'i'd love 2 c u sometime'

-she's like 'yeah, i'll come over there next month (meaning my school, since she lives far and goes to another school but she has connections here since she was here b4) and we'll 'talk' more

-yeah so after this she continued the convo normally, and so did i altho it was really hard b/c i felt awkward all the way thru

-eventually the convo ended and left me soo confused!


Does it seem like i have a chance? I know this is pretty bad timing, since she has a b/f and all, but does it sound like she's even considering me? or should I not get my hopes up?


Any input is welcomed thanks a lot in advance.

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it's hard to give much of an answer, seeing as she didn't say much. But that very fact, that fact that she didn't say much, makes me think that you don't have a chance. If she liked you back in the same way, I would think she would talk to you about it, instead of seemingly brushing the topic aside...


And yes, the timing was very very poor, considering she was JUST talking about her boyfriend...lol


In the end, I'd say, don't get your hopes up

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Well you telling her this, and she has a B/F wasn't really the best timing, But it's not a big deal, you got it off your chest. and that is whats important, Right?


Your going to feel confused, awkward when talking too her in person, whatever., those feelings will come and go, The "Emotional Roller coaster", sometimes more like a Tunnel that never ends, happens to the best of us man.


I would from this point on just keep the contact the way it has been, conversations light, nothing about what you said to her, UNLESS she brings it up..don't pressure her with questions about how she feels about you, if it's anything more than just a fiend she will let you know, , sit back and wait for her, you placed the ball on her side of the court, if she drops this current B/F than she will need your help, support, and most important your love as a friend.


can't say what will transpire from this point, But i wish you the best.



Thats my advice, good luck.

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