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My friends depression is returning.


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Hi .


I wrote in a few months ago about a problem my friend was having. He had been going through a severe depression. which was worrying for all concerned.


Then he met a girl on faceparty and suddenly things seemed much better. He even found he didn't need antidepressants anymore. He fell madly in love with her , and her with him, they IM all the time and phone at least once a day . It all seems good except for the fact that they never met. They live not too far away from one another and It seems a shame that things kept stopping them from meeting.


Recently, nearly a year later, things have taken a worrying turn. He says he's been very unhappy, crying every day(very unusual for him), wanting her to be with him but refuses to take matters into his own hands and visit her. This worries me because it indicates that his depression is returning. He has called her his 'reason for living' in the past and I'm worried that if something doesn't happen soon he will become suicidal.


I have IMed her before and whenever I ask when they will get together she gives essentially the same answer that he does. That she really wants to and is 'dying without him' but cant due to some problem or other,lack of money for instance (although they are only a short train ride away from one another and it wouldn't cost that much).


I don't understand this. I would have thought that if you love someone you'd move heaven and earth to meet them, especially if you are miserable without them. Also (and I dare not say this to either of them) it seems a little immature to me (he's 21 and she's 18).


I know he really *does* want to meet her but whenever I ask him why he won't he says he doesn't want to talk about it.


Mutual friends agree that something seems wrong with the whole situation but due to the intensity of their feelings for each other no one can raise the subject.


Can I do or say anything to help my friend? I've never had any internet dating experiences and wonder if I'm misunderstanding somthing?

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I've never had any internet dating experience but i'm thinking maybe they are afraid to meet each other incase a) they don't like the other in person or b) they could be insecure that the other might not like them. Maybe because of that they are scared of ruining what they already have with each other.


I don't know if its immature or not, maturaty comes from your experiences rather than your age.


Just my theory anyways goodluck and I hope it works out for them.

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Seems like the situation is in a standstill. No one seems willing to take the intiative. If this girl really loves him and is dying to meet him so bad, what excuse could she have? I don't see why being broke would stop a person from seeing the other in a public place like a park where no money is required.


Sooner or later, someone is going to have to take the initiative. I wish your friend luck and hope it works out for the best.

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