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The coolest guy, but the worst timing


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This is more of a rant than anything.


So for the past few months I have had this crush on a yoga instructor at the studio I attend. I used to take his classes but switched to a different instructor a few weeks ago--I found it too distracting to have this guy as my teacher because I was attracted.


So a few days ago I was in the studio and he was there after my class, so we started chatting like usual, and then he asked me out on a coffee date. I was shocked because I didn't think he had ever really noticed me, there are a lot of younger, bendier, more aggressive girls at this studio who are crushing on him and trying to get his attention, I didn't think I would ever have a chance. I am also several inches taller than him, so I figured he would probably want a shorter girl. I never had any intention of acting on this crush anyways.


We went out last night, and damn I really like him! He is even more interesting than I thought he was. He is a math nerd, and a photographer which I knew already. But I felt we just clicked, he is very deep and has this innate curiosity about the world and humankind that matches my own and he is a huge music nerd too, like me!


So the problem, I am moving far away soon, to a totally different province! I think would be nearly impossible to try to date this guy. I told him that I was moving and he seemed disappointed and said "Aw why do you have to go?" I told him that before I leave I would stop in at the studio to say goodbye, there was no talk of a second date...obviously.


So I'm bummed....

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How far a plane trip would it be? Is there a place to meet in the middle? I wouldn't throw in the towel yet -be "bendier" about it!




It is really far, plus airfare in my country is atrociously expensive. I will see him before i leave and get his contact info. I just got the feeling that after I mentioned that I was leaving, he sort of wrote the whole thing off. Just the way his tone and body language changed, you know? It's ok, Long distance stuff is really hard, especially when it is the beginning stages. I will keep in touch, who knows maybe something will happen down the road, but I am not going to expect anything.

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