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He's not looking for a relationship, but

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Ok, tonight was my first date with a guy I have been intersted in for a while. After a very nice dinner, he decides to tell me that he's "not into the relatinship thing," but he likes me, thinks we have a lot in common, was happy that I went out with him, and wouldn't mind giong out again whenever I like.


At first, I was floored. I couln't decide if I was mad or hurt. I went through both emotions and have landed on disappointed. I don't want to turn my back on him, but I can't really see us "hanging out."


I don't want to lose his friendship. What would you guys do?

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I would go out with him again if he asked me, but I would date other people. No sense in limiting myself just to him if he has already said we won't be exclusive.


You keep on dating others and looking for the right one for you. If this guy is interested he will keep asking you out and he might eventually change his mind about being in a relationship.

Good luck

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I would be careful. These MAY be signs of a commitmentphobe or a guy that just wants to get in your pants.


If he's in his early 20s then he MIGHT have an excuse. But I take it that you want a meaningful relationship. If you do then this is red flag #1. So take it for what it's worth. Because I don't want you to be his one-night stand, his ****buddy, or 5 years from now with a man thats always affraid of commitment thinking back, "You know, that guy in the forum was right."


He may be ok. Just be careful.

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