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18 and 16

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Hey, I just went out with girl whos 16 and Im 18 1/2. Even though she broke up with me with no reason...For love age is not important...Just be careful, 16 yo girls no mature they are they will still be 16 yo girls in barbie world...They wont take relationships seriously at all...good luck.

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For love age is not important


I agree. Very much so.


Just be careful, 16 yo girls no mature they are they will still be 16 yo girls in barbie world...They wont take relationships seriously at all


Remember, not all 16 year old girl's are the same. Yes, some are very immature, but some are very mature. I'm 14 years old and find myself very mature for my age. So that isn't always true. But is in some cases. It depends on the girl.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, it does. I take msot of my relationships in general very seriously. For the 18/16 year old thing, no biggie. I believe that once you hit highschool, such small age gaps aren't a big deal anymore. I'm 15, and I've been asked out by guys anywhere from 13-18 this year. And I've got quite a few female friends that are going out w/guys 2-3 years older. I've noticed that in situations like this it is more common in highschool for it to be a younger girl and an older guy and not often vice-versa. Is that just mostly the maturity level?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just turned 18 and my gf just turned 16, I was never bothered by it but was afraid others would. That fear passed but I think at this point in time, it's not so much the age, but the lifestyle reflected by the ages. I will be in college next year, while she is going to be a junior in high school. Think about the changes and everything, I think that's the only obstacle about the age gap at this point, but once u both reach college I think age would never matter anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest, these relationships will most likely be one of many. At 16 and 18, you're still learning about yourself, what you like, what you want out of life..... By the time you are in your early twenties, chances are you will be in another relationship with someone else. It's not uncommon for girls at the age of 16 to date up.


Yes, as you get older, age seems to matter less. Yes, people may be more mature mentally for their age, however, they are not necessarily more mature in life experience. It's the difference between hearing about a full-time job, and actually having one.


At about 16, I would say 2 years is not too bad of an age gap. It get's less and less important as you grow older. If she was under 16, I would have to say two years was too much.


Just have fun with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your post...

So yeah... just want opinions on 18 yo male and a 16 yo female going out together. 2 years apart in HS.... what do you all think? Is it weird cause I've never went for women 1-2 years younger?





And mine, similar.

Hey, everybody. My name's Ryan V., I'm a seventeen year old junior in high school, and I have a sort of problem involving my relationship with my girlfriend.


Recently, I've started dating a girl I met at work. She asked me out, and I accepted her offer. Sure, I jumped the gun a bit, I'll admit.



She's thirteen, and in seventh grade.


But we've been going out now for a good one-and-a-half; maybe two months. I love Ashlee alot, and normally I'd think that's all that matters. We're three-and-a-half years apart in age. Big deal. Bigger age-gap relationships have been done before.


What I really have a problem with is the disapproval of my peers. I rely on my friends, my peers, to survive high school. Were i to tell them about me and Ashlee, people would call me sick, and the few that found out called me a "cradle robber" and a "rapist."


They know not the whole story. ashlee and I have not had, and will not have sex. We both agreed to that--it's wrong and illegal (for us at least) I did not, and will not commit statutory rape.


But everyone assumes the opposite. They think they know it all, and it really sickens me that they do so if they do discover my little secret.


If more people were to find out, how would I explain in the most effective way? How would I get them to screw off and let me live my life my way with my girlfriend?

My point?

You've nothing to worry about.

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