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Is it really too much to ask?

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Is it really too much to ask that my ex not come into the places I go? I don't mean grocery stores, I mean specific hangouts that he complained about and hated while we were together. Why come around to places that I go to? It reeks of stalking, which he has done in the past.

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Yes, it is not your place to tell someone what they can and cannot do. You guys aren't even in a relationship anymore. If this involves your ex showing up to your home or workplace (assuming this is NOT a coworker) then it's perfectly fine to ask your ex to respect your privacy. Hangouts are free game. He can go where ever he chooses. It would be silly to tell him he can't go to place X, especially if his friends, family or whomever want to go to place X. Regardless of whether or not he hates it, he may still need to go there to meet his own social needs. You can't control his life or actions so best to let it go.

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Is it really too much to ask that my ex not come into the places I go? I don't mean grocery stores, I mean specific hangouts that he complained about and hated while we were together. Why come around to places that I go to? It reeks of stalking, which he has done in the past.


Just look at it this way: he's being immature and childish by antagonizing you when he shows up at places he's proclaimed he hated because he knows what he told you. Now you see why it was great wisdom in letting a liar and petty nuisance like him go.


If he has a history of stalking, then document him doing that. Yeah, it's a free place and he's free to go wherever he wants to go, but he also is a stalker and that bring a whole different tone to the matter. Also, find some new places to go that he doesn't know about. That way, he's not just going out and squatting at a hangout place at which he figures you'll eventually show up if he doesn't know about it.

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