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This last month these feelings of hopelessness have gotten worse. I'm seeing a psychologist and going to a group for depression and anxiety. But, I'm tired of being alone and having no one and struggling emotionally and socially through life. I have no motivation and feel life is pointless, but just have to bottle it all inside and pretend everything is fine. Most of the time I fake happiness and lie because no one wants to be around miserable people.

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I know the feeling too, like everything your doing is pointless and your working toward nothing. But i find that instead of faking happiness, just smiling helps. It makes me feel like ive found something to be happy about even if there isnt anything. Music also helps me, like it releases all my feelings and pent up frustration that i normally cant admit to myself. Maybe one of those ways can help you friend. If you find something else that works feel free to share with me.

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I can relate to much of what you have mentioned and yes it is very hard to keep above the constant feeling of suffering.

I have been battling with the feelings of worthlessness much of this year.


I have taken steps to battle against it ven though it is not easy.


Do you know the primary sources of your suffering?

For example, memories of the past, present situations, constant situations not changing, loneliness, missing having someone to care for you?


Finding the sources of your suffering could be the first step is you have not found them.

After this, fight back and look for ways around them.


We are here for you to vent and help each other out.


No one should have to live a life of constant suffering, especially when they never did anything to deserve it.

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Hi James and Inthedark, thanks for your replies.


Inthedark may I ask what steps you have been taking and if they have helped?


I think my main issues are loneliness and anxiety, and this anxiety stops me from achieving the things I should be and makes me more anxious and depressed. I think the primary source is that I have always had this underlying feeling that I am not good enough and inadequate and this belief detrimentally affects nearly all aspects of my life.

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Hi James and Inthedark, thanks for your replies.


Inthedark may I ask what steps you have been taking and if they have helped?


I think my main issues are loneliness and anxiety, and this anxiety stops me from achieving the things I should be and makes me more anxious and depressed. I think the primary source is that I have always had this underlying feeling that I am not good enough and inadequate and this belief detrimentally affects nearly all aspects of my life.


I have searched for realistic goals to achieve.

Beginning the steps towards the goals.


I am going out more even though it is by myself.

I am taking working out seriously now and have taken the steps to because a physique I wish to see in the mirror.


The hard thing for people like us is we are constant are always doing things to sabotage our drive to get out of this feeling we have.

Which is why I say we fight, because we are fighting with our thoughts.


It is hard to get out there in society by yourself when you have no close friends to go out there with you.

But we must remember if we do not reach out we will not have any friends.

We can not just wait for someone to reach out to us because sometimes our own anxiety can sabotage the friendship and we end up not responding.


A chance is better than none.

So as horrible as it is, reach out and make friends as well.

Maintain the friendship.


I see you have already taken some steps looking at your past threads which is great to see.

Stick to them.

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