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How to know if he is interested or just flirting.


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There is a man that I am interested in it started out as a business relationship and a lot of talking on the phone. We have only met up a few times. After a meeting the other day we went out to have a drink with another person from the company. The man I am interested in touched my leg like over 10 times! If I wasn't attracted to him I would have thought this was really inappropriate! He also touched my arm. Are these signals that he is interested? Or is it just flirting? I do know he is not married, but I don't know if he has a girlfriend but he has never mentioned one. I think he is outgoing enough to ask me out with no problem and I'll wait, but should I give some subtle signals back when I see him again like touch him? Or what? I just don't want to mistake flirting with real interest! I had decided that I was know longer going to run after anyone and if they are interested they'll come after me. My friend keeps telling me I need to read the book "He's just not that into you" she's not saying that this guy isn't.... she just wants me to wait and let him come after me! thanks!

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hhmmm, often when a woman touches a guy on the leg or arm it means she really likes him. Not so sure on the other way round but I guess it would be the same.


If u 2 get on great then I would be surprised if he didn't ask u out on a date sooner or later, but he might be worried your just flirting and not relly interested. I mean the bad situation here for him is that he probably feels if he asks u out and u say "no" that he's going to be really because he has to see u everyday at work. Keep up the hints, make sure they are more than just flirty hints but real "i like u" hints. Lots of eye contact, smiles, laughing (obviously at appropriate times ) touches etc.


Try to find out somehow if he has a gf or not. If he doesn't and things carry on well between u maybe u could suggest going out for a drink after work?

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hmm..I always thought if someone flirted with you it meant they were interested? Especially if they touch you, tease you, maintain eye contact a little longer than normal, laugh with you, try to find out info. about you, etc. Those are usually clear signs they're interested.


And if you have a feeling he wouldn't have a problem asking you out then I think you're both comfortable enough with each other that it wouldn't be awkward. So go for it! Or just flirt back and see what happens. From what you've said, it sounds like he's interested.

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  • 4 months later...

I suggest you tell ask him about the question you are wondering. It seems to me that he is just trying to get some booty from you but it all depends on your decision.Take it slow and you'll find out. If he can't wait to do the freaky stuff with you its because he just wants your body.GOOD LUCK!

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I really like a young and cute guy in my office. Unfortunately he is the general director of my firm. I got totally mix signals from him and have no clue if he likes me. One day I complained that he only saw me as somebody who brought money in for him. Later that day he sent me a message saying only "Wonderful, witty, wise". But then he did not ask me out or anything. I did flirt with him and I did not even know if he flirted back. Whenever I have some work related thing and came to talk to him, he always breaks into a song. He once touched my arm but I was not sure that it was accidental or not.

I am out of my mind. I cannot tell him that I like him. I could not even ask him out because he said he did not want to loose his independence. I know that some people would say that he is not that into me.


Can somebody give me advice of what to do?

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What if your gay pal says that he thinks of you as his little sis, but the two of you have been making out, hanging out , taking long walks, play fighting, and he trys to touch you ever time you see each other. but the odd thing is that he dont want his other pals to know anything about the two of you , they just think that all is happing is just talking. He says that hes not attractive to you.

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What if your gay pal says that he thinks of you as his little sis, but the two of you have been making out, hanging out , taking long walks, play fighting, and he trys to touch you ever time you see each other. but the odd thing is that he dont want his other pals to know anything about the two of you , they just think that all is happing is just talking. He says that hes not attractive to you.

it means hes probs Bi, and confused/thinking hes fully gay.

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