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What his hug meant? short thread...


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hello everyone....to make short I am female my best friend is guy....weve known each other a while now and our families are close....anyways....about a month ago we got into this huge fight........He definitely started this one.......but we didnt speak to each other or even acknowledge each other for a month......Today ....while I was talking to my friend he slipped in between us......kind of rudely interrupting us....as if he was MORE important....He stood there staring in my eyes....and He pulled me in for a hug......he kept RUBBING my back and my arm until He finally let go...He didnt say anything....He showed no facial emotion...He kind of invaded my space....He never really hugs me.....at all....What do you think his hug meant? Should I talk to him now or is it too soon? I am still a bit hurt.

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How did the hug make you feel? Do you feel like he was rude in interrupting your conversation or were you happy for the hug?

It seems like he wants to reconcile, but his attitude towards your other friend says that he is more important than anyone. If the fight was a deal breaker for your friendship then perhaps continue to ignore him. If you miss him, maybe talking about the fight needs to happen.

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Thanks for the response.....the hug was very imtimate....it was as if He was saying "I love you"...I luv him too but He has done some aweful things to me in the past......your right I need to ponder if the friendship is worth it........I dont wanna seem needy ......maybe the MORE I STAY away.......the more he will appreciate our friendship.....I appreciate your input.

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