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Boyfriend thinks we are in a rut??? Fun, cheap things to do with your boyfriend?


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So I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 months now.

He works away during the week so we only see each other at the weekend, often I will stay over Friday night and recently he said to me he thinks we're in a "rut" because all we seem to do is stay in bed when we see each other, which is true.

But I can't really see what there is for us to do past 7pm (that's the average time I get to his), we've previously been out for meals, bowling, the cinema etc, and I have suggested going to a pub or going for a night out and he thinks that clubbing and such is .

And it really upset me he thought we were in a rut simply because we don't go out when we see each other, but there's little we can do with lack of money.

And I am just wondering what there is we can do with little money?

often we have wrestling fights, play slaps etc, so we're quite an active couple I guess, but there's so little we can do.


I really want this to work and it's really, really put me in a corner thinking we're not compatible enough... any ideas???

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You don't even really need to go out to get out of a rut.


Have a "camping" night, get a bunch of blankets and pillows and make homemade s'mores and scary movies and "camp out" on the living room floor!


Or, like alli said, have a game night. Get some alcohol, a bunch of board games and have fun!


Have a little party and invite friends a family over.


Have a cooking night, you both try new recipes, you cook dinner, he makes desert.


Get some art supplies and paint together. Hang up your masterpieces!


There's so much stuff you could do, you just have to think out of the box. And don't be afraid of doing goofy childish things, those are even more fun! Good luck.

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In a rut after two months of dating? When you only see each other on the weekends? Jeez, this guy has a low attention span, doesn't he.


Does he have any suggestions for how to get out of this rut? Or are you supposed to come up with them on your own?


Sorry, I guess from the way you posted about him he rubs me the wrong way for some reason.


Anyway, I think if you don't enjoy each other's company enough to spend time just hanging alone together, that isn't good. Right now is the time when you could be getting to know each other really well, if one of you wasn't complaining about being "in a rut". (Sorry, sorry.) What ever happened to just hanging out and talking?

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What SpottiOtti said is exactly what I was thinking. It's only been 2 months, you only see each other at the weekends. Man, you couldn't get me out of bed when I was going through this. Even with our best intentions of finding something to do, we would be in bed. All day, from the sun coming up and then going back down. I would sort of be a little bummed when this happened but we couldn't help it. Lack of money and still being at the point where we couldn't get enough of each other, barely recognised each other with clothes on - and when we did go out, all we wanted to do was go back home to bed!

Thankfully we grew out of it when we saw each other more often, with the exception of Saturdays. But still, I'm not sure "rut" is even the right word to use here. Isn't that where couples don't spend enough time in bed??

There is plenty of things to do - and some great suggestions already which I am stealing, by the way. But maybe you should ask yourself why your boyfriend considers just lying there and holding you a "rut" when you can only see each other once a week, and are still getting to know each other.

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