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hmm.... a guy friend who keeps making weird kissing noises..

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ok, my best friend who is also a guy keeps making kissing noises at me..... like in private and sometimes in public. I thought he was just kidding around at first but today he did it 6 times...... and he keeps saying "i love ya man". He's only done this for about 2 or 3 days. But today in accounting class we were sitting in the back of the room away from everyone and he sorta smacked me and said "oops, want me to kiss it and make it better?" ... i didnt know what to do. Later towards the end of the class hes like "i love ya" and i was just joking around and said "no you dont... (and gave a sad puppy look) " and hes like , "want me to prove it?" and i said "yeah"


he started unzipping his pants!!! i think he was just joking around but jeez..... , and he whispered to me "will u go out with me?" and i joked around and said "umm i dunno, ill think about it" and started laughing...


I know guys do this a lot but it just seems strange from him all of the sudden like this... especially the way hes doing it. i dont know if its a joke or what... plus hes been touching me alot more than usual lately and hugging me... (like the one armed thing, hes been huggin like that for a while if you read my other post entitled **Hugs**)


Its really weird... and he keeps on bringing it up, like i just got off the phone with him and hes like "wuttn that so funny today in lunch when we were standing in line and i looked at ya and did that head nod and kissed at you?" im like ... uhhh yeah ha..ha...


The lunch lady saw it! help!

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Well if you don't like it just tell him. Why are laughing and playing along with it if you don't like it at all? Plus guys don't do this a lot, and I don't know any that do. I never say I love you to any guy except for my Dad and Grandfather, that's it. I've never unzipped my pants to "prove" to some other guy that I'm serious. I don't know what your friend is up to, or what he's trying to do, but if your uncomfertable with it then you need to let your voice be heard and tell him. If he respects you as a friend then he'll stop, and tell you it was all just a joke. If he is starting to "like" you and a "more than friend" manner, then at least you will make things clear that your not like that, and don't feel that way about him. I don't know if I read too deep into it, but you really need to tell him how you feel about all this.

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He likes you, I don't doubt tha; and obviously wants to kiss you too. He said, "will you go out with me" for a reason..he wants to go out with you; but he said it in a "joking" way so if you freaked out, and said, "no way", it wouldn't be like he was getting rejected, because it was all "joking around"...right.....Guys are afraid of rejection (and girls too) so intead of straight out telling you, he jokes about it.

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oh my gosh.... thats what i was afraid of and i had that feeling too.... but i dont know , it just seems like hes joking around too much.... i mean i dont know how much you all know about guys "comparing" themselves but last year in my 7th pd english class every guy in there did it IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CLASS , and all the time. And in sports in the locker room they do it to and i have people ask me if i wanna do it all the time. So a while back I did ask him if he wanted to cuz I never did it and everyone else does it and it seemed kinda cool... (i dunno why) but he wanted to i KNOW IT cuz he was down to nothign but his boxers and i really didnt want to do this but we already got that far... nothing happened but he kept talking about it several times after that , we just never done it.


And now hes doing this.... do you think i should go along with it and see if hes joking or not? like next time he asks me like "will u go out w/ me" maybe i should just say yes to see how he reacts? i dunno... thats why im here lol....

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oh gosh i forgot 3 other thigns that happened today , we were in the hall and the chorus members came down hall singign out school song cause our football team made it to state and i was standing beside my friend and he was like " hey are you gonna grab my butt?" and he seemed to be joking but i sware he would have let me if i wanted to. Then in the hall i stopped to talk to this girl and held my hand out to give her "five" and he kept walking and my hand touched his "parts" but that was a total accident, and in basketball after school he did the same thing to me , but he didnt say anythign about it ... i think it was an accident.. but then again i dont know cuz theres been so much goin on.


how could he be gay? he talks about girls allthe time and druels over them...... gosh this is really bugging me

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I agree, he seems serious about it and if he talks about girls and seems to like them means nothing really, the fact is he's flirting with you for some reason.


If you are not willing to date him, kiss him, hug him or whatever then it's better to stop joking about it, he's getting very serious and if you consider that he MIGHT be seriously into you it's only going to hurt him if you keep going.


See it as any girl, some girl you don't like but she flirts around, the best thing would be not to hurt her by leading her, not making fun of her or anything, you just stop taking part in the game and you keep being friends, nobody gets hurt in the process.


You can keep being friends and have fun in other ways, just distant yourself in that "field".

Hope that helps.

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here is an update on how things are going...... well he is still i guess you could say 'flirting with me" and now its gotten to where he is saying it more often and all and today he was showing me his muscles and wanted me to feel of em - hes pretty cut physically. But after school in the hall he said "reach under my shirt and feel my arm.... and then he said "ill have to come over one day and take my shirt off and show you. I personally think it is sorta sick for someone to look like that, it just looks... nasty.


He wanted me to feel his leg muscle..... and he still talks about both of our lower area parts. But I KNOW FOR SURE that he wont show it, I already tested that. Hes all talk on that part... now I'm really confused cause if he was gay then he'd whoop it right out wouldnt he? Especially when I made it certain that it was ok to do so.

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