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What does a Highschool Girl look for in a Highschool Guy?


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How many times do I hafta say it?


You can not sterotype women bro. Don't generalize them and don't assume stuff about them. It could leave you pretty embarased or hurt sometime.


I'd simply try and be yourself. Don't be a jerk, don't be rude. Just be a good person, keep your personal hygene well, and since your a guy, your proably gunna hafta go for them instead of waiting to come to you


Theres someone for everyone, actually their are tons of people for everyone! You can't win 'em all, but no matter who you are, you will be able to find a woman who loves you as much as you'll love her!


Good luck, and keep your stick on the ice!

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I'm a High School guy in what I feel is a chaotic school... and I may have some idea about what they look for:


Well first, girls r gonna tell u they're looking for a mature, assertive guy who is a great person. Now if that was true, I'd have a gf and not be single lol. What they say is partly true, but it's not the real truth:


-The hot girls are in it a lot of the time for the s*x. This means the real flirty, dirty guys who aren't going anywhere in life will often have better success NOW - later, they're screwed. The guys who are well-rounded and are assertive and "good people" don't have the success in high school, but I heard down the road, things are more promising for them than these other guys.


-Confidence is the key. Live by that in life.



-People who flirt do better than girls. Still be yourself, but at the same time, try to initiate a few things.


In HIGH SCHOOL, girls don't truly know what they want w/ guys, and they look for what they can get now. This means they go for looks, money and perhaps s*x. This only goes for some girls.


My advice is to be CONFIDENT, ASSERTIVE and GET TO KNOW HER FOR HER, not just her body.


Hope that helps.

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-The hot girls are in it a lot of the time for the s*x. This means the real flirty, dirth guys who aren't going anywhere in life will often have better success NOW - later, they're screwed.


Amen to that! I have always said it. Good point bringing that up man.


why didnt i say it

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Who the hell CARES?


Well, since the school hirearchy DOES exist, most girls want guys that have power. Simple as that. Guys that are being guys. Social status DOES matter to most girls (sad, really).



You should not care what girls want. Do not abandon your old friends and your beliefs just because it is "cool" or will hurt your social status. Stuff like that is pathetic. Follow your own ideals man.

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-The hot girls are in it a lot of the time for the s*x.


You're assuming that because a girl looks good she wants sex. Attractivness has nothing to do wether a girl wants to get laid or not.

The 'hot girls' are probably sick of guys hitting on them all the time and are probably tired of guys assuming that because they look good, they want some.

Don't judge and generalise people because of one person who might happen to fit in the catergory you set.

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Every girl is different but i can tell you what myself and a lot of other girls like....I like guys who are in controll but not overbarring, romantic is good, thoughtful, a guy with insight, smart, not afraid to speak his mind and show his true feelings, honest and trustworthy. Some things that guys do that ive always liked are single red roses with a little note, light kisses, surprises (even if its a phone call when your at work and just call to say hi and that your thinking of them.......very good idea) cuddling, and just being held is the most romantic and sweetest thing any guy can do, if you really care for the person everything else just dissappears and thats a good feeling so i hope this helps you in some way anything else just I.M. me oh and as for the sex thing the truth is their are some HUGE s*x hugry peeps out their and yeah they are usually sl*ts but thats not every girl the fact of the matter is most girls wont have s*x unless they are very involved and even in love ( or on the rare occasion married) and as for the whole pretty girl thing that is so stario type just because your pretty doesnt mean your going to put out or do every guy in site that is the most ignorant and pig headed thing ive ever heard and you really need a wake up call. And like someone else said dont change for the sake of popularity the truth is youll get less girls that way, no one likes a fake and your friends are more important than any girl dont loose sight of that & be yourself youll be happier that way and so will the other person

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psh sorry guys, a friend of mine posted this on here, he wanted to ask the girls on here that are in highschool what they look for, he's a little down on self-esteem at the moment, sorry no need for anymore posting, and ya he's not posting on here again, unless he signs up, which i doubt, he was just curious.

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Trust me on this.


If the girl you are trying to get (I assume there's a special girl involved) is like the type that will only go for the hot guys, or the "dangerous" guys, or the popular guys, chances are she is very shallow, and you might not have that much fun with her. Of course, I don't know the whole situation, but I have seen stuff like this ALL the time in highschool. Find someone that isn't only pretty, but someone you have a lot of fun with when you're together.


That being said, I hope your highschool love life works out.

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