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Am i Still In love with her??

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Me and my Gf split up, wer both really happy being single and wer still reali good friends....but still when im with her i still get this feeling that i really want to kiss her and be near her.

Somedays i will think "im glad that ended when that did" and i will think about how happy i am now but then,.....sometimes it feels as i am pushing down this huge pressure that i still am totaly inlove with her. i could tell her, to get it off my chest, but i KNOW she don't feel the same way........ ahhh.... and im not even sure if i am. humm....confuzing 1!!!

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im near enough best mates with my ex, we tlk everynight and smooch sumtimes but we both know theres no way we wud get back 2gether nd its just a mutual attraction, maybe u shud tlk 2 ur ex bout it and how u feel but make it clear you dont wanna get back 2 gether, well if thats what you want, good luck!

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The thing about breaking up with someone you love is that you never lose all your feelings for them. There are people from my past whom I still very much love, but would never be with now.

You're young, you still have lots of time. Enjoy being single and if she still really has feelings for you, maybe you'll get back together someday.

Good luck.

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when it comes to telling a person that they love them, thats a lot to take. before you tell first make sure that you are in complete and total love with her. also, picture youself with another girl you have feelings for and "visualize" a relationship and see if you can ever see youself loving her in the way you love this other girl. if you do decide to tell her, "drag it out" dont tell her out of the blue or in a bad setting. make sure that you lead up to it. like hang out with her and say things that will get her to realize that you might have these feelings. if she doesnt get freaked out by all of this carefully chooe your words and keep going, but if she is pulling away at all, dont make her uncomfortable, just be GOOD friends, and love eachother in a friendly way until you see a sign of any sort



hope this helps

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