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Can't tell his motivations


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So an old friend from highschool recently reconnected with me.


He's a good guy and we were like best friends my senior year, but, we flirted a lot. Like to the point were people teased us about it, but neither of us really made a move. We were just friends who happened to flirt 24.7 lol


Anyways he's been talking to me today and I missed this guy! He asked me to hangout but idk. I know we could be friends again but I'm not sure if it's a good idea so soon after my bu. am I just thinking to much into this?

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It's a 'friendship' isn't it? Or are you wanting more than that with him? You didnt say when your bu was?

If you are, then yes, I'd say wait.


Usually a person knows (feels) when they feel themselves again after healing from a break up.


I guess id be lying if I said I would be upset if it turned into more than friends. Idk lol and it's been like three weeks since my bu

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if you were in a ltr, then i suggest you take a good few months with NOTHING, in order to work on accepting your bu and healing...getting yourself back on 'happy', NOT 'needy'.


you dont want to have this guy be a rebound,,right? Why not just talk etc. And signify nothing else for a while.

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if you were in a ltr, then i suggest you take a good few months with NOTHING, in order to work on accepting your bu and healing...getting yourself back on 'happy', NOT 'needy'.


you dont want to have this guy be a rebound,,right? Why not just talk etc. And signify nothing else for a while.


I mean I wasn't planning on making a move on him or anything. But yeah I see your point!

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