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Saliva Problem! HELP!!!!

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My boyfriend and i often make out..but he's the first guy ive french kissed so i dont exactly know if im doing it right..

but when we start to french kiss, we are both left with wet lips..i dont mean just damp and moist..they get pretty wet = ?...idk if this is normal..or if it is too much saliva?! and if it is too much saliva can pple give me advice as to how we can decrease the amount of saliva?

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hmmm make sure his stays in his mouth n urs stays in urs, tonsel hockey is the best way to do this (play with each others tongues) then jst com out of it, try not 2 think about the saliva, if u do u wil make more, jst think about how much u r enjoying that kiss lol, hope this helps



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Don't eat while you are kissing!!!....lol only kidding. This is pretty normal, you put something in your mouth you will salivate...natural reaction. The trick is not too spend to much time with your tomgues deep in each others mouth.


As sisterlynch says, short plays between the tongues then pull aways and kiss on the lips and so forth. You will get it with practice...should be fun.

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The first few times my boyfriend and I kissed, it was very wet and messy. It wasn't that either of us were awful kissers, we've both had our share of kisses, we just weren't used to how eachother kissed and it resulted in sloppiness until it sorted itself out. After a few more kisses, we kind of meshed and got used to eachother's kisses. We didn't even have to really say, "Do this, do that." It just worked itself out over time and now our kisses are a lot better.

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  • 1 year later...
Weed gives u pasties. pasties gives u lack of saliva! smoke a bowl!

YES weed is good smoke a bowl the problem is though lack of saliva causes your breath to smell cuz of bacteria or some * * * * idk...maybe try not opening your mouth so much or move your tongue like less if its all voer the place....when I kiss my girlfriend like we'll lay on eachother and kiss ad like stop and I'll say I love you and then we'll contiune but like when your kissing slowly pull of and like kiss his neck and * * * *and like play with his hair like run your hands through it and contiune kissing him....but I kissed girls that were really wetand they were because they opened thier mouths way too much which overlaps your lips but try something like keeping your lips more shut idk how to put it

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Well, make a point to swallow before kissing and during breaks. That will help. Also, keep your mouths locked together and try to keep your tongue inside your mouth or his mouth. If your tongue is all over the place, it could get messier.


Otherwise, don't worry about it so much.

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