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What does it mean when they give you something special of theirs?


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Hi everyone,


So there is this guy I just started talking to a couple weeks ago, and he's really cool. This is a weird question but for some reason I can't get it off my mind. He recently gave me one of his bracelets that he's had for a long time and wears all the time. Conversation:


Him: "I want you to have this."

Me: "Why?"

Him: "I don't know I don't want it anymore."

Me: "So why don't you just throw it away?"

Him: "No not like that, it's too special. I just want you to have it."


So, I'm sort of confused because why did he want me to have it? don't guys do things like this when they REALLY like a girl? That's what I've heard, but I've only known him for a couple weeks? Anyway, What does it mean when a guy gives you something of theirs? is it a possession thing?

Thanks lol sorry if this is a silly question I just hate being confused

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