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7 months post break up. Going on a date with EX


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It's hard for me to imagine how sad I was and the crazy road I travelled to get to this point. Roller coaster ride with a short ( but involved ) rebound in between.


A couple if weeks ago my ex contacted me after about 4 months NC and we talked all night and have been in constant contact ever since. We've hung out as friends a few times and have enjoyed each other's company.


We both have talked about out rebounds and we both admitted to it really making us miss what we had. We haven't said were getting back together by we have decided to get to know each other from square one.


I am playing it as cool as possible.. But I can't help but see the big picture and I really hope this is it for us. I see a figure together with her and I know she will enjoy the man I have discovered with in myself over the last 7 months.


I made myself a better version. Worked hard to get my confidence back and I think that was key.


I made sure to work on EVERY issue in out relationship. Not for her.. But for the next woman I met.


Ironically the rebound girl didn't appreciate it at all. Listening?", communication, thoughtfulness ect ect.


My ex appreciates all of those and those are little things i stopped doing during the 3 years together. I feel like I have the tools and the maturity to grow with my ex and start something great.


I won't post a new thread here until we have officially reconciled. Thank you to everyone who has helped me here since February.. It was a long unknown road and to anyone reading these boards (and this thread) for hope. All I can say is just don't look back



YOU CANNOT GET YOUR EX BACK until YOU LET THEM GO AND FIX YOURSELF. When that happens you give yourself a real shot.

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Good to hear about your progress. What were the circumstances of the break up?

We were together for 2 years then moved in together after we talked about getting engaged in the near future.


Things were okay but it started to get rough when I started to lose sight or myself. I gained a lot of weight got lazy and lethargic. Resented her for out lack of sex life and just became a loser boyfriend. I still loved her vey much but she resented me for losing myself and mostly complaining about it and never doing anything about it. It soon out or control and we broke up and ofcourse I tried to win her back and did the classic mistakes. By the time she left ( 2 months after we actually broke up) she wouldn't even talk to me or look me in the eyes.


I thought i was going to die of depression. It took me a long time to get back to where I am


Also, how has body language been during the time together, have you been at all flirty, touching her to connect above the friends level?


He hasn't been very touchy with me yet, I think she's still reserved because she wants to make sure I have changed for the better and not just acting like it.


I have her a very long body massage last night and we kinda just laid together


I am trying hard to take it slow and not get ahead or myself.


I plan to kiss her goodnight after the date

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