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Hiya everyone,


I was wondering if anyone had advice on this concern of mine...


My ex of over a year ( it was very complex relationship we had that broke up cos of circumstances beyond our reach)


he stiil even a year after weve broke up continues to tell me how he wants naked phtots of me doing pervy things i used to do with him so he can pretend its him ( WEIRD I KNOW) and tells me he fantasises about me. I know its normal for guys to fantasise about their exs but why is he telling me he does????? i know guys who fantasise over their exs and they said its not cos they still have feelings for them but because they can visualise them better etc, but they also told me they would never tell their exs that they fantasise about them, so why does he tell me?


also i asked to see him after we hadnt seen each other for a long time,

(weve always kept in touch and i just wanted to catch up before i moved away )and he thought about it for ages and then said what he had told me A THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE THAT, that he couldnt because he knew it would be too tough and he would be too tempted to get close with me again. even though he has a girlfriend that hes had since straight after we broke up( over a yr now) and hes been sayin these thinsg to me the whole time!

what do you all make of this, is he tryin to just mess with my head or is he just perverted or what, i dont understand, has he maybe not got over me?????????? thanks for your help

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He's still in lust with you. You must turn him on. Even when the heart turns away, a man has other organs that aren't so quick to quiet down.


Decline his requests for the photos. Nothing good can come of it.


Good luck to you.



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