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so my ex wants nothing to do with me anymore..

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heard from a mutual friend, i asked her how my ex was and she said good, but that she doesnt want to hear anything about me or anything to do with me anymore... i tried to get her to get back with me for like a month... and i just stopped and got tired of it, i guess this is kind of a good thing, because i dont have to hold onto hope anymore... i just feel kinda sad that we wont ever be together again.

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feels sad after breaking up with someone - it's natural. Time heals how you feel...when you start to think of her, the best thing you can do for yourself is redirect your thoughts, make yoursaelf think of something else...Do something that will get your mind off of her.


Get back out there and find someone new to go out with...even if it is just as friends first....soon you will find yourslef thinking, and missing, your ex a lot less.

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I'm not sure if you want to hear this, but maybe what I have to say will help. At the moment, I want nothing to do with my ex. I'm at the point where I really don't think I could care less if he fell off of the face of the earth, and I know this may sound very harsh, but our 1 year and 9 month long relationship ended in disaster and he hurt me a great deal. To be honest with you, if he sent me a Christmas card I'd be wondering what on earth he was trying to pull off. I've made it clear that I want nothing to do with him, so his gesture wouldn't be appreciated.


Perhaps you and your ex are not on such as bad terms as we are, but if this sounds anything like your situation, than I strongly advise you not to send her anything.

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Hmmm, well what do you consider "bugging?" My ex was at the point of stalking me when he finally began letting go, so as you can imagine, that certainly contributed to my whole "I want nothing to do with you" mindset.

eh... i guess its just best to let go, nothing big really, i just asked a person to pass an ote i wrote to her about me letting her go, and just asked some people about her and stuff. nothing big. i just guess she got sick of it.

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If someone wants nothing to do with you, why do you persist? There are many other wonderful people out there that are willing to give you the time of day. Truly good girls are hard to find, but they are out there. Just don't let this ex of yours get in the way. Move on, distract yourself with hobbies, and consider pursuing other girls.

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i no exactly what ur going through haze...my girl broke up with me only last week n im at that begging n pleading stage to get back with me n ive realised its made her even more distant from me, now i have decided to just leave her to it as she said to my friend that she doesnt know what she feels as i havent given her anytime to miss me but she made it clear that there is no chance for us again, but the love we shared makes me feel very betrayed at this....if u wanna chek my story out then PM me or add me to AIM or MSN, maybe we can share experiences lol



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