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Finally told my mom how I feel...


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Here's what I said :


"You stole money from me and me and (my bf) have been suffering for a whole month because of it. You've stolen multiple times and each time I forgave you. You have serious issues and I will not have a relationship with you until you get help. I'm done giving you trust you don't deserve. I'm done with you guilt tripping me when YOU ARE THE MOM and I'm the daughter I shouldn't have to worry about my MOM the way I do. I'm done worrying about you. You are a grown woman and need to quit being a narsassist and blaming every single person besides yourself for what you have done. It's time to WOMAN UP and take responsibility for your actions. No more sob stories. No more excuses. No more "woah is me". I'm done enabling you. I'm not going to put you in the grave the way everyone did with S (my uncle who was an alcoholic and drank himself to death, while no one tried to stop it). I'm done 100000000% until you go to rehab for MONTHS!!! No not a few days, not oh this nurse is rude I'm ready to leave, not oh there's an outpatient program, I'm talking atleast 3 months STAYING in a rehab. If you can't do that for yourself then idk what to tell you. And don't forget about 688 and guitars (rent money & things she stole) because I will have no option but to call police if you don't. It's time to take responsibility for your actions, mom. Be a woman."


To harsh? "/

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You go girl, very well said!!!


Sometimes we have to be harsh with the ones we love, because they think they can get away with murder because we are their family. I do hope she listens & takes your advice. If she doesn't, be strong & don't let her have an opportunity to steal from you again.

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You go girl, very well said!!!


Sometimes we have to be harsh with the ones we love, because they think they can get away with murder because we are their family. I do hope she listens & takes your advice. If she doesn't, be strong & don't let her have an opportunity to steal from you again.


I just feel Terrible I had to threaten her with the police. But she's given me no other choice. & I'm mad that I'm over here feeling bad for that while she feels no guilt whatsoever for making her daughter suffer financially for a whole month... lol so many feelings.

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You need to cut contact with her. I know it is difficult, but if she is stealing from you, and not willing to help herself you really have no other options.


Please don't let her guilt you into feeling responsible for her, like you said she is the Mum, and should be able to take care of herself.


Where is she living?

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You told her how you felt and that is all that should matter to you. So, she can take it or leave but it is ALL on her, now to make her own decisions. Don't feel bad about what you said to her and be proud you stood up for yourself.


I'm like 50% proud 50% guilty. My mom "adopted" me (see my previous posts) so I harbor a lot of loyalty I guess, to her. But that can only go so far!

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You need to cut contact with her. I know it is difficult, but if she is stealing from you, and not willing to help herself you really have no other options.


Please don't let her guilt you into feeling responsible for her, like you said she is the Mum, and should be able to take care of herself.


Where is she living?


I have no idea. Probably crashing at a friends house

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There is only so much you can take and that she needs to figure out her own issues. I understand how you feel stuck in between. I hope that I will have enough to tell my mom how I feel one day. Just feel that the time isn't right just yet, but do hope it will happen soon. So, if that day does come I would probably feel the same. Though it's a matter of knowing that you told her and that you aren't holding it in any longer.

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