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Should I ask her...?

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Yes to both, mostly with friends. I have some close Vietnamese friends I hang out with. We always find a way to have a good time. Even tho I'm a me'chong (sp?) white guy. They dont really open up to many prople, so I feel lucky to have a close honest family of friends I know I can depend on. I keep my friends few and close. But when we go out, we go out big. Like 15-20 people so it's always a good time.

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I dont know if shes thinking about me, but she does work and go to school full time. I'm sure she goes out and has some kind of fun tho.

But thats not my business. She has said she hates being so busy. I hope she atleast does something. Thats gitta suck. Thats another reason why I hope we try things again. I've got a much better job now so we can go out and do a lot more on my expence. Thats one thing I've always wanted, but couldent because after rent and other BS. Theres so much I have to show her, but may not get the chance. If not it will be some one else, but she deserves it more than any one I can think of.

I'm not saying she deserves me (I've done plenty wrong), she just deserves to be spoiled for all the things she goes out of her way to do for other people. I know that sounds retarded but she is truly unlike any other I've ever met.

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I wont, until we go out one on one or get back together we're going dutch.

I paid for things when we'd go out after the brake up. Her friend said it made her feel uneasy. I was just blinded by fear . I am glad we had this time apartin a way, Tho I do miss her it's made me find myself again. I'm much happier now. You've gotta be happy with yourself before your happy with any one. Very important lesson I should have learned long ago.

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If she hasn't contacted you then I can't see this happening in any way at all, and if it does-it won't be anywhere as good as it was before.

Just think of it in this way, you obviously broke up for a reason, and as as much as you say things can change, in the end they really don't. And she is just another drop in the ocean. It is the biggest cliche ever but they will come and go, and when you find the right one you won't ever have to go through this anyway! breaking contact can be the best healer

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Mate, you have just given me hope for humanity!

It just all depends on personal morales, I AM speaking from experience-but undoubtledly put in the same position with someone I care about, I would probably do the same as you mate. Just mate the conact definite and purposeful and things will happen

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I think you are right to try and sometimes people break-up learn and come back. They learn to appreciate what they had. That's surely better than staying together and resenting the other person for holding you back. I hope this ends well. I'm watching with mounting tension.

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