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Am I one of her options ?


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Well, I've been going out with this girl for a little over 2 months now, and we both like each other a lot. We have lots of fun together, but I feel uncertain wether or not she's serious and ready for a relationship with me. She broke up with her ex 4 months ago I think. What bothers me is that, her ex's trying to get back with her, but she told me they're only friends now. They hang out still as he being part of her close group of friends.


A few weeks back, I was at her house and we were babysitting her nephew for the entire afternoon. The kid really likes me, and she also admitted it and saying I look like such a good father (even her dog likes me too, but he bites Then when we were at the door saying goodbye, her ex called her cell but she didn't answer it, then she turned back to me, she hugged and kissed me all of a sudden (that was our first kiss too). So the kiss somehow ensures me that she's over with her ex.


However I'm not totally convinced I realized that she's never invited or asked me out to anything, I'm doing it all, it just seems like she doesn't care much. I have a thought that what if I stop going over to her house or ask her to go anywhere for a week or so and see how she reacts, but then I couldn't manage to do it.


I'd like to have female's inputs on this please......guys are more than welcomed too.

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it's so weird, i'm in pretty much the exact same situation. almost exactly exact actually, but i've only been seeing this guy for two weeks so i guess in that sense it's totally different... but i've been seriously trying to follow through on the not-calling-til-he-calls strategy, and it's really hard. it's gotta be harder when you've been seeing each other for two months. sounds like you should maybe have a talk, not that that's the best advice, in fact it's not really advice at all. i guess i'm in too similar a position to be giving advice on this, but i just wanted to let you know you're not alone... heh, sound familiar?


Good luck,


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