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I'll be honest.

The whole theory of- "Girls like taller men because they feel more comfortable and SAFER with them"-sounds so stupid.

If a women makes that statment,it makes her sound very very silly.

I mean really,a taller man makes you feel safer lol.

Are you expecting somebody to just jump over the wall and start attacking you so you're tall boyfriend can save you?


It's a poor-very poor excuse to dismiss small,or shorter men.


You don't see men make such harsh judgments on shorter women-yet it's ok for women to do it.


My dad is 5'5 and i'm not playing,he would leather the hell out of any man you know.

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I suppose I'm one of those 'shallow girls' then..I'm 5'9" though, so I'd just feel a bit weird dating a guy around 5'4". I'm just attracted to guys around my height or a bit taller. My last bf was 5'9" or 6'0" though (in any case, when we kissed we were the same height so close enough) so as logn as he's around my height I don't mind. If he's a bit shorter that's OK, but not too short..like around 5'6" I guess. Actually I think one of the guys I'm currently somewhat attracted to is shorter than me by a bit..personality can make up for it. For you, just go for girls around your height if possible. Even a bit taller (like girls 5'6") is ok, but I think girls like as tall as me but feel a bit awkward, as you might as well..


That is my honest opinion. Hope it helped,



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Oh and I don't like taller guys for security purposes, I'm just more naturally attracted to them. Maybe it's not even the height but for other reasons? I don't know. I'm just usually attracted to taller guys. Except in gr.11 I think I was attracted to a guy significantly shorter than me (like around 5'5?) So there's always exceptions..but I wasn't really physically attracted to him either. He had a really great personality though. So yeah, other things make up for it of course.

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I can understand a tall girl wanting a man of her height,but what i see on a regular basis are girls who are my height or shorter,that won't date a man of there height!!!

Thats shallow.

The whole security and safe issue is really sad and childish..

I thought Girls would have come past that by now-but i guess not.

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I'm a shorter girl - not even 5" 2' - so most of the guys I'm attracted to have to be taller than me...unless I'm going for a significantly younger guy. I wouldn't think twice about dating a guy smaller than me, however, but it would be a tad difficult to find a guy smaller than me...



As for significantly taller girls, (5" 9' ish) I think they tend to go for men about their height or taller because society demands it. It's not shallow, really, but birds of a feather flock together. Opposites attract, yes, but it really depends on the person. A girl who loves basketball, for instance, would like to date a taller guy who also loves basketball. (Not trying to sterotype basketball players as tall - just trying to make a point!)



She may feel more comfortable kissing a man her height - it makes it easier to make the first move. As I mentioned before, I'm short for my age, and while I'm more than brave enough to make the first move it's rather difficult if myself and my date are standing up. I tend to manuver the dating situation so we're sitting because it's easier that way.


That was off topic. Anyway, most girls I know do not have a preference - it just seems to work out that taller guys are out in the dating scheme more. Shorter guys may not be "physically attractive" to shallower girls, but as a fellow poster mentioned, a terrific personality more than makes up for it. I for one would not think twice about dating a guy of any size as long as he had the personality I was looking for. That's my long winded two cents.

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I'm 5'5, but I've dated a couple girls who are taller than me. There reallly are some girls who won't give you the time of day if you don't meet some ridiculous "height requirement". Its like trying to get onto a roller coaster at an amusement park. They might as well wear signs around their necks that say, "You must be AT LEAST this tall".


If its an attraction issue, than I can understand, but refusing to date a shorter man for security reasons is absurd.


I've heard some really shallow statements like "I wouldn't date a short guy cuz' I'm short, and I wouldn't want people to laugh and say that we're a midget couple." This type of thinking is a major turn off to me. Why would you care at all what other people-ones that you don't even know especially-think? Would you seriously give up a chance at a possible meaningful long-term relationship because you worry about what other people might think? If thats the case, than she has to be pretty shallow and insecure.

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The whole security and safe issue is really sad and childish..


It can go the same way with men. Most guys that I know wouldn't date a woman who is bigger or heavier than he is. Why? The most common reason is that he doesn't want to feel like the girl he's with can kick his butt, or that she is "butchy" in some way. Is it because the guy thinks that the girl is going to lift him up and bench-press him? lol


It's not just the girls who have preoccupations with size, and in fact, I would tend to think that men are more prejudiced when it comes to a woman's size!


Take Kenny Chesney for example. I met him last summer at a concert, and he can't be taller than 5'6. He is absolutely gorgeous though, and I think most women here will agree with that!


image removed

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You're wrong.

I for one know at least 3 lads that date girls who a "Larger" then them.

Men are not "as" picky as women these days.

Women are in a position to act shallow,weather they realise it or not,and they have an oppertunity to be as picky as they like.They've never really had that chance before.


My problem is when i meet girls who are my height,yet they prefer men who are taller than me!!

That is nothing more than a shallow way of thinking.

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i'm 6'3" and my ex girlfriend was 5'10" so we were a giant couple...


i think it's not so much the girls' issue as it is society's issue. did you notice at the presidential debates, george bush's pedestal was higher up on the camera so he'd appear to be the same height as john kerry? also, in the business world, taller men tend to indirectly command more respect. i don't know why this is, i guess it's just how humans are programmed. i know that personally, i'm more attracted to girls who are at least 5'6" because i don't want to have to sit on my knees to kiss her.


but again, it's about preference. my 5'10" ex is now dating one of her exes who i'm sure is short than she is.

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I just had to jump in because Im 5'9 and a 1/2. It's nice to be with a guy taller than me, but it's certainly not a requirment. My last boyfriend was 5'7 at best. I don't have a problem with being taller than my b/f's, but I find that guys are much more insecure with their girl being taller than them. That's just from my personal experiences.

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SO4 I know exactly what you're saying!!


I'm 24, 5'3 and medium to well built. I've had that problem with girls not giving me the time of day coz I'm a wee guy.


But....I have another problem apart from the height which kinda gets to me sometimes. I'm aparently very cute. I've had a ton of girls tell me this, on holiday, in bars you name it.


I also get mistaken for someone alot younger but thats another problem.


But, hey, my personality is about 7'11!!!!!!!



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Women (these) days tend to associate weekness with smaller men.

It's wrong,shallow-but women have so much undeserved respect these days,that no matter how ridiculous they talk,or no matter what super-ficial crap they spout,people still listen and nobody complains.

It's getting worse.


The next generation of Women are been braught up on horrible Teen comedys and programes etc;like The Parkers and That 70's show.

They grow up reading stupid shallow magazines like Cosmopoliton and various pointless teen publications that inform them on what a "real" man looks like and how a "real" man acts.

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I couldn't aggree more. There are alot of shallow women out there in this media-hyped-up world.


But alot of the papers/mags I sometimes read have what the media calls "real women" in them (skinny and leggy blondes). Esp in this country!! I like a woman with a bit of meat on them.

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I don't think u can blame just girls magazines. Mens mags a full of gorgeous women like girls mags are full of good looking guys. Its trying to tell everyone who is gorgeous and who is ugly. The fact is, its up to us who we find attractive, be them small or tall, thin or fat, brunette or blonde (or redhead) etc etc.

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