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I need a guy


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Right now I don't want a boy friend but really just a guy to kick back and hang out with. I don't really care about actually meeting the guy in person but i really just wanna chill and talk. There are some guys at my school who I am kinda interested in but not to go out. How do you think i should get guys or what do you think I should do. Remember, I dont want a BF

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Just get to know them like you would a girl. Just talk to him and get to know him more. Try hanging out in groups of friends. Most likely you wouldn't start dating a guy right away anyway. Who knows how you might feel like 6 months from now?


It can be hard because sooner or later one of you might fall for the other. However, it is possible to just keep a good friendship.

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Being a guy ill see if i can shed some light, (hope its worth something)


In my own opinion making mates with people from the opposite sex is a really great and mature idea! I love having girls who are just (and will always only just be) friends. It gives you a chance to ask questions about the opposite sex that youd never get from your usuall mates.


its also really relaxing because it can release tension you usually get from not being able to communicate with the opposite sex.


the biggest problem i can think of here is that finding your male buddy can be very hard (and im only being honest here)


going looking for a male friend can produce very bad results. i only say this because of what i know of guys 14 - 18...

this is because generally they are going to think you are hitting on them.


Its very hard to find to find a guy whose not thinking with downstairs these days lol.


But there are afew,


My advice is go for a really nice, quiet guy who you usually wouldnt talk to

(not a friends brother)


Make sure you let him know like on the second meeting that you are just up for a friendship (its usually the quiet guys who are looking for one to)


if you really want to gain a guys trust then take maggie18's advice, just open up with to him with the usuall winge and moan of female dialect (hehe, sorry ladies) and he will realise you are willing speak your mind and theres a good chance he will winge and moan back!


Good luck


"Dont worry you have the rest of your life to make friends, dont be such a drama queen!" - quote from my uncle


(when i was going through friend problems)

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