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need a guy's opinion

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So I have been seeing this guy for about 3 weeks now. I stay over at his place 2-3 times a week. Things are going very well. He seems very into me (and vice versa). At first things moved very slowy/romantically...and I suppose they still are....


The issue: When we hook up he does everything and anything to me, but I have yet to really do anything to him. He makes no motion for me to do anything to him. We do 'stuff' but its all with his sweatpants on. Meanwhile I always wind up sleeping naked. I am not forward enough to just take off his pants....I've made motion towards it with the hopes that he will follow my lead and remove them himself, but he doesn't. I just figure if he really wanted something he would take them off himself....


But im starting to get a little self consious. I really want to progress forward, but I don't want to be pushy. But the slowness is making me want him SO much. I know that (a) he has had relationships in the past that have moved faster (b) that he has nothing to be 'ashamed of' down there....so i dont get it. ideas? guys?

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I'm not a guy, but I figured I might try and help.


Maybe he isn't sure how you feel and feels the same way you do. Maybe he thinks that if you really wanted to take off his pants, you would. He might not want to take his own pants off because he might not be sure if you are wanting that since you aren't taking them off. He could just be trying to be respectful and feels that removing his own pants would make you feel like you have to do something to him and he isn't sure if you want that yet. Anything is possible really.


If you know that he has had fast moving relationships in the past and he is forward about taking your clothes off, then I don't think that he's really going to mind if you do the same. Don't do something you aren't comfortable with though. Maybe you just need some more time.

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I guess I am just afraid to try to take them off in the off-chance that he doesn't want me to. I'd be SO embarrassed if for some reason he didn't want me doing that and said something. But at the same time we're bascially having sex with (his) clothes on. I've also managed to get my hand inside his pants, but they are tied too tight to actually do anything worthwhile once I'm there, so it winds up being fruitless. Alas. Thanks for the insight.

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You want a guys opion?


This guy just might be self conscious. Being naked for a guy in front of a girl for the first time is a huge concern "what it...." it's concerns about size and the what if's


He also might think, because of bad past relations, or just his morals, you wouldn't want to. What you think is obvious, might not be to him. A good relation ship is one where you can talk about sex

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Maggie is right, he's waiting for you to make the move. He doesn't want to be disrespectful by throwing off his pants in front of you. This situation is very common I have heard, but I haven't heard any of it. If you are setting a goal to be with this guy and he's waiting for you to make the move then make the bloody move.


However, don't do anything you're not comfortable with, what I'm trying to say is that while you guys are making out don't be afraid to ask him if he wants to go further. You shouldn't be embarrased in situations like this, he likes you too and he's probably dying to get them off, but not without your consent.


Trust me, no matter how young, I'm still a guy.

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