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unsure of what to do next


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Not really sure I'm putting this in right place, but just need to get things off my chest somewhere.

Some of you may have seen me post in here before, I've had a lot of problems over the last year with extreme low mood, to a point i was hospitalised. I'm 3 months on from that now though and have had some massive changes in my life. I'm now a single mun, having left an abusive relationship. This relationship is what everyone believed to be my problem, drs, psychologists, no one was willing to llook past that one issue. I have had problems with my mood for around 9 years. So I have always known that it wasnt just my relationship that was the problem. My support since leaving the relationship has dropped significantly and im worried. I don't want to die, but i don't want to.spend the rest of my life feeling so lost. I dont understand my feelings and I dont understand how to change them. I know how hard it is to get any help. You can yell all you want, but people still won't listen. I'm scared i will start to feel very bad again before i get chance to receive help. I'm scared one day I will push it too far trying to get help. I dont know what to do. It's so confusing, i know i need help, i can't understand why when I was in hospital they couldnt see this, why they couldnt see past what was on the surface.

I'm scared.

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Find someone close to you, a parent, a family member, a good friend and sit them down and tell them you need help. Tell them you are still having problems and your relationship wasn't your only issue. Or go back to a professional psychologist and tell them you are scared something bad could happen and that you need help. They will be able to do a lot more than people on here will be able to. I hope you get the help you need.

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Push it too far?

I recommend you get back to your doctor and explain this. Tell them it goes further back then said, bad relationship.

I'm on anxiety/depression med's and have been dealing w/ depression for about 30 yrs now.

It can be very LOW at times, I understand. Best to talk with professionals and even see about some more counselling/therapy? Gd luck

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