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Sex w/o a relationship

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I have had some friends w/benifits, and it was a great experience. We basically got together to "get off" and thats it. No comittment, no nuttin.


It actually gave us a chance to "experiment" and get good at things.


I unfortunately had too many "partners" at one point, and you can get a reputation from that.


So if you feel comfortable with it, go with it. It is not uncommon at all.

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yea..it maybe common to do so ..but i've had a little and both and it's def more fulfilling if you are in a realationship with someone. and you can be proud that you don't let just anyone share such an awesome thing with you if you save it until you meet someone special! and in the case of f.w.b ..its bad news...one person always gets more attached and wants more ..been there and done that also but im also proud to say ive only shared myself with 4 guys...some if i could i would prolly take back..but it was a learning experience for me ...good luck with whatever decision you make

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It's a personal thing.

I've met people purely for sex....but there has to be something there. My currnet partner and the one before him were meant to be 'one night stands' but something clicked.

I've also met men and had sex and whilst the physical was ok.....if you aren't on the same mental plane.........it's just not good.

And no......I'm not promiscuous ..........I was married 13 years and was completely faithful...... but hey, once I was free....didn't I deserve to see what was on the market.......and sometimes you just have to sample the goods . No good finding out after you've got really involved with someone , that the sex is rubbish........it's an important part of a healthy relationship.

Hey....if we are counting....... I'm 37 and I've only had 8....... !

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Just because everyone else does it doesn't matter... its if you feel if its right.


I did a lot of sleeping around once I got to college... I find having random sex partners no fun at all. Sex with someone I know/love is a lot more pleasing. I think i am a lot like a girl when I want to get off... I need the feeling, and the thoughts in my head to click to get off... so I have a hard time unless I care for the person. I think random sex is fine/fun if you are careful and can have fun, thats whats important.



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I was in your situation not long ago. There was a guy I was dating that I knew just wanted the sex. Although I've learned a lot about myself throughout this experience, it ultimately was a really awful one. He treated me with respect at the beginning, but after a while, after he knew I wanted it, he treated me bad. He started lying to me, standing me up and saying mean things to me. We agreed that we wouldn't spend unnecessary time together, but I talked to him so much that I probably missed out on better guys who would have given me more. To top it off, the sex really wasn't good, but I got kind of attached. I thougt I had distanced myself emotionally, but one day I realized how involved I really was. I didn't even really like him anymore, but I couldn't stop having contact with him no matter how hard I tried. I wound up so messed up about the whole thing that I said some mean things about his sexual performance and he got upset and refused to talk to me again. I was trying to hurt him as badly as he hurt me and it worked. Its the best thing I could have done, because it most likely would have never ended, and I'm only now seeing how horrible he treated me. I guess its okay if you think you're mature enough to handle it. I wasn't. I don't know you, but personally I think any girl deserves more than casual sex.

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