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what my ex wants from me now?Help!

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I had been with him about 9 months before we broke up near two months ago.I thought I loved him so much and there were all happiness to me in the whole 9 months.On day, he told me he needed to think about our realtionship cause he felt uncomfortable with me sometimes.Then we argued after that, then broke up.I had a very bad time after that.But I still love him.

He started to call me for coffee and dinner after 2 weeks since we broke up.Even we had sex several times, and we had very great time.It recalled my memory.It seems we are still together.But I didnt know what he really meant. I want to come back together with him again because we hadnt got any problems in our relationship to me and I still fall in love with him.

But I dont want to be only sex parterner of him.

He asked me for sex last night.And he told me he just wants sex not making love with me.It really hurted me.I said "No!"

I dont know what to do and how to do.I still want him back if I have 50% chance but I dont want to be used for sex.

Please , help me to figure it out.

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Honey...the BEST advice i can give u is run the other way... FAST!!


You might not be able to see this cos ur in the square, and u might not want to hear this but girl, he's playing u...


Think about this: Since u have been together, he knows that you love him. He is gonna take that to his advantage. He will use to get what he wants -- sex. I'm glad to hear u said no. See? He made it clear that he wants u for sex only.


I know u care and love him, but having sex with him will increase ur hopes into getting back with him. Whereas he only sees u as a 'goodtime'. Pls... Dont go back to him! DROP HIm!!


If u let him continue this, he will see girls as objects... You are worth MUCH more than that! Don't let him make a fool out of u!

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I was in a similar situation a few years back, after 9 months relationship, I broke up with him, realised what I had done, and tried DESPERATELY to get him back. He kept the fact that we were seeing each other a secret from everyone, and I was only allowed to go to his house, after work, and we had a lot of sex, but that was all it was. SEX, not LOVE.


I eventually figured it out that it was much more CONVENIENT for him to have me come over, than to have to spend money on wining and dining a new girl, having to get to know her, and put up with things he might not like, than to have me there, he knows me, and it's easy. I cost him nothing, I have no impact in his life, and it is, well just easy sex. I stopped it.


Of course he was FURIOUS. I shruged my shoulders and got on with my life.


The only thing I feel now if I think back is EMBARRASED. I let him use me, becouse I was hoping he would take me back. I felt like an IDIOT.


Don't let him do this to you. He's only USING YOU.

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