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Weird Call


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My ex-gf left me for a coworker 5 months ago. She is 39, the coworker 28, but she has lied and told him she is 29. After 3 months of NC she had called me while I was working crying, I was even worried. It was only because her laptop felt down and got broken, and she thought I was going to tell her how to repair it. I don't know how to fix it, and because I was working I wasn't able to do anything to fix it. She told me she had many problems and she couldn't stand one problem more.


I think she called me because she doesn't want her new bf to know anything about her mental stability, and she has called someone familiar, so she can keep giving a faked picture of herself to this guy.


What do yo think?


Thank yo!!

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Well, what you decide to do depends on how hurt and how over her you are. If this is something that's going to cause you to hope she will come back, don't entangle yourself. If you're ok, there's nothing wrong with providing a little helpful advice over the phone or by IM. I highly recommend though, you don't allow yourself to get caught up in in person with her attention-seeking drama because it will be at your own expense.

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My ex-gf left me for a coworker 5 months ago. She is 39, the coworker 28, but she has lied and told him she is 29. After 3 months of NC she had called me while I was working crying, I was even worried. It was only because her laptop felt down and got broken, and she thought I was going to tell her how to repair it. I don't know how to fix it, and because I was working I wasn't able to do anything to fix it. She told me she had many problems and she couldn't stand one problem more.


I think she called me because she doesn't want her new bf to know anything about her mental stability, and she has called someone familiar, so she can keep giving a faked picture of herself to this guy.


What do yo think?


Thank yo!!


She left you for her younger co worker, that is enough said right there. I think you should avoid her calls. She left you for somebody else. I have an ex who is the same way. When we first split up and she was dating someone else. Every time she had a problem, she called me, thinking I would take care of it like I did when we dated. She also didn't want her new man to see her mental instability and inability to handle life's problems. I tried to be nice about it, I would say to her she needed to handle her own problems. The calls kept continuing on until one day, I was very blunt and said to her " Let's get one thing straight. He gets your P*ssy, he get's the problems that go with it." After that no more calls.

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She was testing the waters is all. It happens all the time, something happens that seems like a good excuse to call or text an ex leaving the one contacted wondering...


Let it go. She has issues and has some balls calling you when she is the one that left you for another guy.


Don't be that guy, she made her choice and she can live with it. Let the new guy deal with all this.



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Next time tell her to ask her boyfriend. Its not your problem!

She might have mental problems but they are not your responsability anymore. Tell her to "man up" and that she should talk about them with her boyfriend, not you.


" Let's get one thing straight. He gets your P*ssy, he get's the problems that go with it." After that no more calls.


Hilarious and true!!! Loved it!

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Anyway, I kept it short, even though she was crying so much because I was very busy,and I,m starting to date someone else also.


She sent me a text apologizing because she scared me so much, and I didn't answer. I don't know if she is still with this guy because I'm in NC.


Sometimes they are the ones that decide to move on but they can't let go, it seems.

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