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Abit more positive - on the spot!


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Well, I havent decided what to write yet but I love doing on the spot poems and seeing what happens. All i know is, I'm going to make it more positive and refer to this girl at school who I love seeing but never talk to


The day is finishing and everything has closed

The eyes are shut and heads lie low

I stay awake and decide to dream

My reality begins to fade as I let the colours in.

The sight is so brilliant and my frown becomes a smile

The day is finished and I am happy at last.

As each memory of her is let into my sight,

I cant help but laugh to myself at the things I cry about;

A broken flower or a failed exam

Why do they matter when I can grow these again?

Her face begins to sharpen and her smile is bright

I wipe away my tears and dream throughout the night.

Just me and her amongst the green,

Where we will never be seen.

Although I love to watch her as I sit back in a chair

I would be happiest to hug her and show how much I care.

A hug is the comfort I seek everyday

"Thank you" is all i can say

Happy thoughts make me smile and glad I am here

Lying in bed is most beautiful and ends everything perfectly!

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I just want to tell you that this is a cool poem, especially that you just made it up and all.


I think that you should go talk to this and tell her how you feel. Its ovious you like her. It also sounds like you like her a lot by the poem. If anything you should show her the poem and see what happens. Go for it! Good Luck!!

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