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I was a little hesitant about no contact at first because I was afraid of losing her for good. The relationship ended badly. Mean things were said to each other. She was hot and cold, and now cold for almost a month. I made the mistake of contacting her and begging for her back. Now I feel stupid for even writing a letter. I got to the point that I don't even care if she text back anymore. It has been about a week of NC. It's more than 1 month since the break up. What I fail to realize was that I did this no contact before with previous relationships. I was just so angry, frustrated that my thinking was being clouded by my emotions that I didn't initiate it with this one. I still do ponder what she is doing from time to time. I went to eat with a mutual friend of ours after the club today. What makes me angry is that my ex told some lies about me. I never could imagine her doing that because deep down I knew she love me. The person that I first met is a total 180 from the person that broke up with me. She made it sound out to be like she's the victim. I just felt so disgusted that she would lied about those things.

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I'm glad that I still have friends that try to do their best to make me happy. I've been going out a lot, started to lift weights and get back in shape, and try to stay busy throughout the day. It definitely help to keep myself busy. I usually think about her when I have nothing to do.

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