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LDR GF has put up a stone wall that I can't break into


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So I've posted several times about relationship issues and have received some great tips. Thank you all.


My LDR girlfriend has made life quite difficult for me recently. I returned from a trip from visiting her several days ago, and things have been strange since. She hid our Facebook relationship status as well as removed some pictures of us without warning. She claimed she had people bothering her about them, and I told her that I didn't care, she should have at least informed me about this and it made me angry that she didn't. She has been very distant and has asked for a short break in communication (no explanation why). I brought up a full breakup but she replied 'no'. I granted it to her through an email, and several hours after I sent the email she sent a friendly message to me wanting to talk. Unfortunately, I was busy. But she continued some friendly "Facebook" behavior. This is really ripping me apart that I don't know what is going on, that I have very little control left, and this erratic behavior of a "break" to wanting to talk. Recently when we have talked, I've barraged her with asking how she feels about what is happening now, which causes her to shut down and end the conversation. I don't know if she wants me to end it and is putting me through this misery until I do, or she is confused about the situation or feelings. She won't answer my questions, and I can't feel better and further the relationship until we fix this (not forget about it)...unless I really should just forget about it, but I don't think that's the right answer.

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So many different ideas, none of them seem to positive for my outcome but all of them are helpful. I'm just completely boggled. A doubt it's another guy, she is not very open to that for reasons in her past, but it might because she wants me to end it. We supposed to talk later this afternoon and depending on how it goes, I think I may have a stronger idea--or, most likely, more confusion...ugh

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Yeah, that's how I feel, like she doesn't care at all. I don't know if she has something to prove or what. When she has a fight with her sister with whom she lives, she gives her the silent treatment and will not speak to her unless completely necessary. The first time I witnessed her behavior like that, it really gave me a "foreshadowing" fear. Well, we met last summer and had a fling but kept in touch figuring long distance was stupid. Well we just eventually worked our way from pen pals to calling to SKyping to visiting. There is no definitive date, but I would say around 5 or 6 months of actual romantic commitment.

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