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What do you girls like?


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Unlike a lot of girls out there..I like guys that are WAY TOO NICE(which sort of sucks because I end up being the "jerk") but anyways..the ones that seriously are so ready to commit. I love the family guy, the sensitive guy inside and a guy that can get along with not only me, but also my friends(that is extremely important!!)

Physically I like a tall guy 6'1 +, dark features, big shoulders, and has style.

.oH yes and. . . He must have a brain along with goals!


__Had 'em but not anymore_

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I agree tall dark and handsome is preferable.. and YES the shoulders... mmm... sorry. But really it boils down to (In my case) what I call the "grr factor" its a kind of passionate animal instinct that we all have. Many people try to mask it and become boring asexual plebs. Perhaps it just a meeting of mind, where you both feel that rush of arenalin and lust.. god im getting carried away.


As far as personality people need to have a sense of humour and be able to take the piss out of themselves, they need to be kind, compassionate and emphatic without sacrificing their independance and thinking. Men need to be passionate, whether it be in the bedroom or about their work or both...We just want it all really I guess, lol


x VC

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Ok well I looove gentlemanly guys! My pet peeve is guys that don't open the door for girls and if you do it you score mega points! I also like guys that are funny... of you don't have a sense of humor it won't work. Also, I'm not into really skinny guys. I would rather them be a little bigger (not necessarily fat, but big and strong) I like to feel little when he holds me or hugs me...

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I prefer a guy that is interesting and opposite of me in many ways. Music has to be somewhat important to him, such as playing an instrument or having a great collection of various artists. He has to have some plan for the future that is realistic. And he can not be a push over, I want a guy that challenges me on current events or other such topics.

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We are much more interested in a personality than looks. Guys are into girls that look good and girls want a guy to say the things that make her feel good.


You ask us what we like, we like real men...men who know who they are and are willing to show it. Women hate fear in men. Just like men hate helplessness. These are survival skills.


We like people who are kind and generous. We like guys who compliment us in new and interesting ways.

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Intelligence. He's got to have a brain and know how to use it.


Thoughtful and kind without being all intense and into himself. Able to laugh. Able to take responsibility. Interesting past experiences (travel, for example) Interest in culture - art, music, film - stuff like that.


Self-confidence can be very sexy.


Looks aren't all that important, but if I'm building my perfect man here, I'd go for dark hair and eyes and a slenderish build. A great smile will do you well here, too. And as we're going perfect, I'm intrigued by interesting accents.

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Intelligence - this is about being more than smart, it is about being able to have your own ideas, adapt to new situations, be continously learning, adapting, and having WISDOM.


Confidence - not too much description needed, but just someone comfortable in their own skin. This also means someone who has their own ideas and is not going to change them just to be well liked, but are open to other ideas as they do not feel threatened.


Sense of humour - ability to laugh at one's self most of all, but making me laugh is huge bonus points. I am someone who puts having fun with my partner (those who play together, stay together) really high on my list, and being able to banter and laugh together is so important. I also include an ability to be generous with their smile in this.


Sense of adventure - someone who likes to try new things, who likes to challenge themselves, who enjoys the outdoors/athletic pursuits I do, and who is up for trying new things. For example, the other day I suggested to my date we go rock climbing...been years for me since I went, and he has done it a couple times in past. Totally up for it..so knowing that we can share a similar lifestyle is important.


Athletic - and I don't mean a gym nut. I mean someone whom actually IS athletic, I am active and want someone who will share that lifestyle with me and have a big understanding of where I come from when it comes to my passions.


Unique - has some qualities/passions that just stand out and make them different from the crowd.


Emotionally mature - a big one...that is recently added to my list Someone who knows who they are, what they want, are not commitment phobic, afraid to love, be loved or fall in love. Someone who knows what a relationship takes and is willing to do it. Someone who is ready to give a relationship a fair chance and is open to it maybe being forever.


Affectionate - I like to feel admired, appreciated, cared for, and I will return the same to them so they better like it!


Caring/thoughtful - about people, animals, the state of the world.


Has their priorities in right order - priorities fluctuate, but they should always know that one's relationships with family and friends should never be sacrificed for job or money.


Patience - when life gets rough, patience can be a saving grace.


Optimistic - who wants to be around someone who is going to only going to bring you down?


Chemistry and connection - physical, emotional, spiritual, mental...I call them the four cornerstones or legs to the table...each is a very important component that should be nourished and maintained in order to be a strong structure. I like a man who can drive me wild in between the sheets, and then talking for a while about nothing, but being very in tune to one another when we do. Someone I just feel that there is some sort of spiritual reason we are together...I can't explain it, but it's just a feeling you get.


Physical attraction - I have no type, honestly. I have dated short, tall, stocky, thin. And what I am attracted to changes according to whom I am dating But, right now, it is tall, dark hair, dark eyes that will make lots of eye contact, lean & muscled (lean & mean!), nice teeth, a nice smile shown with that fantastic smile - describes the current guy



Hmmm....apparently I have gotten pickier over time! Bad or good, whom knows...I am not closed off to people, I just don't want to get myself into a bad situation again..I have learned my lesson too many times

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Ok...superficially I'd love a medium height (my height...maybe slightly shorter, slightly taller...not fussy...but not too tall), dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes, and a medium build.


Realistically - any guy that I can laugh with, tell secrets too, complain to and have them make me feel heaps better. I also like a guy to tell me when I'm being an idiot or whinging too much cause it shows they care. They gotta be sweet and sensitive and caring and loving and funny and sincere and gentlemanly and know when they've stepped over the line. I could keep going. Basically a 'good guy' over the 'bad boy' thing.


And on looks...the more I find the guy attractive as a person, the more I find the person attractive physically. Looks aren't what I look for first.



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I find intelligence is very sexy in a man- not IQ, but someone who is well-read and has various interests in culture- keeps up on current events, likes varous types of music, classical, jazz, etc...someone who has many interests- art, film, politics, and who is adventurous. also, someone who is a good person. treats others with respect, philanthropic- lieks to volunteer or interested in cahrity (even if he doesn't have money- just the desire to help others). someone who treats my friends with the same respect as he treats me (this is the number one impt. sense of character in a man). If he's wiht my friends, he should talk with them and also find out their interests. THIS IS THE NUMBER ONE IMPT. thing in a man- that not only he treats me with repsect, he treats everyone else with respect. someone who is open-minded and non-judgemental towards anyone- i don't tolerate this at all.


also, distinguished, boyish looks don't hurt. clean, well-mannered, gosh humans are so complex, you can't really pigeon hole what you like in a guy- there's too much to name!

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I like guys who have good leadership skills, who are very confidence in himself and who keeps his decision stable and constant. I also like guys who care and understand other people and not just care about his girlfriend. I also like guys who are self motivated, smart, trustworthy, kind and acts like a gentleman. Being polite is what I also look for in a guy. I also like guys who have a great sense of humour. I don't like guys who flirt with too many girls.

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What a guy needs to get me to notice him... above average looks. Average is set very very low... as long as you're not majorly overweight and super deformed I think you're above average. (I know, shallow... but I value aesthetics a lot and I really wouldn't look at someone I think is ugly... not because I don't like them or want to discriminate against them... I just want to look at pretty things in general.)


Polo Shirts or dress shirt REALLY help. I don't like the sporty look at all.


He needs a sort of intelligent look. Glasses help, dark hair help, I personally think if you read a lot of books it'll show through your eyes. I can usually tell if someone's confident in themselves and think they are intelligent.



After that, what's going to set them aside from "just friends." Nice to me but not too nice. The balance is tricky... but not that hard. Don't wait on me, show up when I expect them to and leave when I expect them to. Don't trail me day in and day out or ask me out for coffee later than 8:30pm because I'll be busy with my video games. Leave ONE IM message instead of 10+ that I just turn off and don't even bother reading... I'll respond when i have time anyways. Don't show up all the time unless if my "friend" randomly runs into me, then it's actually pleasant. Walk me home late at night. That's so important. Walk me "to the door" and don't expect a hug a kiss or a cup of coffee. Just go.


After just friend stage... ^^: personality probably keeps me around most. Even if bf grows to be 200+lbs (I can just see it happen one day), I will still stay with him. I'll probably help him lose weight or lose weight with him, but I'd never leave him for looks if he grows to be uglier. I need my boyfriend to protect me while letting me run free. I like it when he has control of most situations, but back off when something's important to me. He doesn't have to make me laugh... he does need to put up with my random crying spells because I just do that for no reason. He needs to be able to help me solve my problems when I have them... if he can't help me he can make suggestions. If I don't know about a painting or a song, I like it when he knows. I like someone who's well read and knows a lot about random things that I don't know about. I like someone who can show me that they're more intelligent than I am, tries harder, but isn't arrogant in themselves being better. I need someone with a goal in life and is working hard towards his goal. He needs to know what he wants because I rather play support than play attack.^^ something I found out in playing videogames. I love playing a support character who can solo. I'll solo until he needs help and go help him then go back soloing... but I can't help him if he doesn't even know what he needs. ^_^


Then.... someone who treats me like a lady!


I'm picky and mean. =/ Not a lot of people actually find out I'm picky and mean, and bf just laughs about it now. Well, yeah, I know I'm picky, so when I actually found someone who meets most of the things that make me happy~~ ahaha, I'm so not letting go... unless if he changes, then I'll be searching again.

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