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Not sure what he's thinking.

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I plucked up the courage to message my ex boyfriend after a year and half of no contact, just because I didn't like the way we had left things and didn't want any more bad feeling. He quickly responded and seemed happy to hear from me. He even mentioned he still had some momentos from our time together and asked about my family, stating his family also sent me his love. The conversation was light-hearted and seemed to go well, however he suddenly then seemed to abruptly end the convo and has not messaged me since.


I'm just a little bit confused as to why he went hot and cold. It's made me wonder if I said or did anything wrong. I know there are probably a million reasons why he hasn't messaged me and I'm just reading too much into it, but I will admit it's left me feeling a little deflated and anxious. I had hoped we could rekindle our friendship again, slowly.


Someone please whack me and tell me how stupid I am being! I managed to not see or hear from him for a year and a half, so why does a few days being 'ignored' make me feel so rotten inside?


This was via FaceBook (I know, I know. The devil itself.), and he has since been online and liked other female friend's statuses and such, which I admit has left me feeling a little jealous and I really, really don't want to be.

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Maybe he is bipolar? I don't know , look what matters most is that you don't allow yourself to get dragged along into emotional rollercoasters and blackholes, and you are clearly doing that. You are choosing for unstable nightmare situations, which ' surprise surprise ' make you feel rotton and unhappy.


You just need to look in the mirror and say ' Danika, what i am doing now, does that work? ' , and then you honestly have to say 'no' what i am doing does not work. And there you have your answer.

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Maybe he is bipolar? I don't know , look what matters most is that you don't allow yourself to get dragged along into emotional rollercoasters and blackholes, and you are clearly doing that. You are choosing for unstable nightmare situations, which ' surprise surprise ' make you feel rotton and unhappy.


You just need to look in the mirror and say ' Danika, what i am doing now, does that work? ' , and then you honestly have to say 'no' what i am doing does not work. And there you have your answer.


I know, I can see myself being sucked into the same boat I was in over a year ago, and I don't want that. I think I just needed to get it off my chest, and now I need to take a step back. Thanks!


LOL...maybe his gf just walked into the room!


He is currently single, but I'm glad you found my situation funny.

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maybe he got a little caught up in the moment, the familiarity of the past, but then realized he doesn't want this anymore, maybe he moved on and he let himself get carried away a little at first, then reality sank in...


I'll admit, that's what I thought, too. Oh well! At least I tried.

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Aww, just leave it. You've said hi, kept it all light and now the ball is in his court. He has your number, he knows where you are if he wants to see you. Maybe he has just moved on. I always think its easy to ignore or not read much into emails, texts and the like. Its phonecalls and person to person contact that you need in order to rekindle anything, they need to hear you, see you, eye contact, hear your laugh....that kind of thing x

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