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My original breakup story and problems can be found in previous posts. So I decided not to call or keep in contact with my ex g/f except for one drunk message I left just saying hi and one of my friends wanted to say hi to her. So a day goes by, no responce, then the next day out of nowhere she calls my house and then my cell phone. We then have like a 15 minute conversation just about everything and what she was up to and what I was doing. At times it seemed a little flirty and a little like it used to be. So like 4 hours ater this, she calls again and tells me she was kinda upset with the message I left the other night and thought I was trying to be mean / vindictive towards her and goes on to tell me that she is with her new boy (after 4 years with me she already has a new boyfriend within 3 weeks?) and that we need to chill out a little before we see each other and that she has a lot to think about and basically she ranted on for like 5 minutes about nonsense and then ended it with I just wanted to clear the air up but I'm not really mad.....WHAT THE F? Why is she doing this and why does she feel the need to explain to me that she is with her boyfriend...and why if she cared so much about him would continue to call me up and have such lengthy conversations? Im just glad I didnt break down on the phone and tell her how much I missed her or anything. Had she called the day beofre I think I would have just cried on the phone. Don't get me wrong, I want to win her back, but now I am a lot stronger. Any insight on this or why she is doing this would be greatly appreciated. What do I do when she calls again (secretly hoping soon)? Thanks a lot I would love any help.

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