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I hate the way I feel

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I hate the way my bf makes me feel when he's mad, he doesn't say anything to degrade me or anything . But he makes me feel like I can't do anything right or nothing is good enough for him. Today he fell asleep before supper , I tried to wake him up for 3 hrs and when he finally woke up he got mad at me for not waking him up, I told him I tried and he's like well if you tried then you would of woke me up. So I guess it's my fault he wouldn't wake up, now he's not talking to me , the silent treatment really gets to me I hate it . Now I bet I'll be going to bed without a goodnight

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His behavior tonight was completely unacceptable, the onus shouldn't be on you to wake him up, especially if he didn't ask you to beforehand. You shouldn't blame yourself for that- you tried the best you could to wake him up. Have you tried talking with him about his anger, why he treats you this way when he's upset? He has to understand that he's abusing you when he does this.

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Don't be a doormat... it sounds to me like he knows he's got ya and you won't do anything... his behavior is unacceptable... you are a human being and should be treated as such... you are not doing anything wrong except blaming yourself when he's at fault... he screwed up by not waking up and instead of being mad at himself for that he seen you thinking he's got you he said what he said... if I were you and you wanted to keep him I would make him realize that you are not a prize. You are not a doormat. And you will be shown respect. Ill leave it to you to come up with the ultimatum, no one should be treated that way and it sounds like you need someone to remind you of that. Good luck and I hoped I helped.

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