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It is time to end it...have i gone through enough

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I havent posted in a while, but now i think it is time.


My boyfriend and I have been together over 3 and a half years. We have a long distance relaltionship because we live an hour and a half away from each other. We are both in college and he is trying to transfer to a university closer to mine. He was supposed to transfer 2 years ago. He didnt last year, and this year was basically the last draw. The one class that he needs to transfer he struggles with, and I understand that. The same class that he is taking now he took last fall. He dropped that class because he didnt like the teacher, in the winter it was too fast, and now he just cant pass. He wont be passing his class which means that he wont be moving any closer to me any time soon.


I think that I have been pretty patient as far as he transferring to a school closer to me, being that is should have happened two years ago. I dont know that he expects of me now. We havent talked since we found out that he probably wont pass the class. I dont know what to do?


Should I continue to be more patient or give him in ultimatem, or end it right now before we have to go through any more agony.




A woman in distress

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Well, if you don't care about his welfare, then why are you still together? I don't mean to sound rude by that, but it doesn't sound as if you like him very much. You should do what you think is right. Don't stay with him just because you don't want to go through a break-up. If you don't like each other, then don't be boyfriend and girlfriend.

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I wouldn't end it soley on the fact that he has yet to move closer. My boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship right now, and I have no thoughts of ending it due to the distance. We're 2 1/2 hours away. We will be apart for the next 5 years. Next year I will be moving 10 hours away. So, yeah, it's tough and will only get tougher. But it has me looking forward to the years thereafter. As my boyfriend said, True love can withstand any distance.

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in my opinion, if you really love someone there could be planets between you and it wouldnt matter, because you are in love and you care about that person no matter what. HE has perfectly legitimate excuses of why he isn't closer to you yet, not just because he is slacking off, but beause he is struggling. If you really love this guy, why would you break it off just beause you cant live closer. You guys will be out of school in a year or two and then you can live together for the rest of your lives if you want it that way.. so don't j ump the gun and make him feel worse than he probably already does about not being close to his girlfriend...

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