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Puppy Love, I know, this girl and I are REALLY great friends


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Ok, of course there will be people here saying this is nothing but Puppy Love and I agree, but don't you remember that feeling you got when you were in Middle School everytime your crush walked by ?! I am new here so bear with me.


There is this family accross the street. The two sons are my best friends and they have a sister, my age (13), my grade (8th). We are really good friends and talk all the time. Everytime I go over there we are always teasing each other. I really like their mom and dad so you can say they are my 2nd family. I like her very much. The problem is she has a boyfriend. (Note: This is while she has th e b/f.)Yet, everytime I'm over there she will always sit on me and not let me up when I tease her. I play football and her 2 brothers do. Just the other weekend we were at her bro's football game and I was with her, her mom, and another kid from the neighborhood. (Note: This is before she got a boyfriend) They have this foldable couch thingy and we set it up and i sat down and she sat on her mom's lap. Well, after a while, I looked down and noticed her legs were stretched out on top of mine. I want to know: Does she like me or is she just flirting or not really intentionally meaning anything at all?


I don't know how many 13 yr. olds you get on here, but I just wanted to know. If I am, shall I say, out of place here just let me know and I'll go about my own way. Thanks.

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Well...I cant answer the question but i can tell you it is worth a shot. if she ever breaks up with her current boy friend (Make sure your not part of the reason they broke up!) go ahead and ask her out. if you are pretty good friends im sure she would say yes, and on your date you can find out if she really likes you.

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