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I sent this letter to my ex after 2 months of being broken up.

I no longer wish to be back with her but I felt I neded to make amends to her in order to go on... Any Thoughts :


My Apology



I'm not sure about the timing of this letter but once I wrote it I thought it was

important to send it to you. I hope you are willing to read it.


I've always felt that part of healing is making amends when and where possible.

I hope this amend is still possible.. I don't think the half assed apology I made a few

months ago was worthy. I have always been the type of person that looks at my place

in a situation and deals with my part in it. It's part of my character.


I am a better person today after knowing you. When we broke up I had no

choice but to look inside myself and find out why I acted the way I did with you.

I can honestly say that I had to do a lot of work on myself. I have grown from this.

It all came down on me one day.. Like a ton of bricks, emotions I couldn't stop…I let the

tears flow and grieved. I kept asking myself things like : What had I done to you ?.

Why do you hate me ? How could I fix it?..

Then for the first time in my life I learned that I couldn't fix something,

The only thing that I could do was disappear and fix me.


I have learned from my mistakes and from the mistakes I made regarding you

as well as my argumentative stance, and I deeply regret my behavior and lack

of respect that I brought to you and our relationship. I am Sorry. I had no right to

treat you the way I did. You were the one thing in my life that made so much sense to

me, we had staying power and I let my ego and other things ruin everything that we both

worked hard on. I am Sorry I hurt you.


I am deeply and truly in love with you and will be for the rest of my life..


I know that we will never see each other again and I accept that, but I want you

to know that on this journey that is called life I am so grateful to have loved and known

you and you will always be inside me, and please be careful on your journey without me

because you carry something very precious to me... you have my heart.





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I understand you meant this, and think it is over forever. But, if you ever had a chance to get this person back, I think you just laid some great groundwork. I'm not telling you to hang on, but I think it will be read as you intended.


If I was to make one change, it would be near the end. I would not have written:


I am deeply and truly in love with you and will be for the rest of my life..


I know that we will never see each other again and I accept that, but I want you to know that on this journey that is called life I am so grateful to have loved and known you and you will always be inside me, and please be careful on your journey without me because you carry something very precious to me... you have my heart.



My edit would be to say:




I know that we will never see each other again and I accept that, but I want you to know that on this journey that is called life I am so grateful to have loved and known you. Please be careful on your journey without me. Memories of our time together are very precious to me and close to my heart.



Nice, very nice apology.


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I would have made those changes, because I still see in you a desire to get her back. Declaring your undying love for her is the only thing that leaves her the idea that if she called you now, you would take her right back. I think that part should have been left out, in favor of you being slightly aloof on those grounds. Aloof is good when trying to get someone.


If you really have no hope, then there is nothing wrong with haivng said it. But I somehow doubt you have no hope.

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You have a great insight.. I guess there are 2 sides to me.

The realistic side that says I'm living my life without her and doing just fine. But then there is the other side that because of the love I have for her would hold a piece of my heart aside just for her..

Maybe a little aloof .. but the little piece of my heart is pretty deeply hidden.

I have found from my past experiences that it's okay to live your life and still be in Love with someone.

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