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what do u think??

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well me and my ex have been broking up for about 3 and a half months. Recently we saw each other and it was like we were goin out again and we both fell for each other again. she keeps telling me that she loves me and i love her back. Do u think i should go out with her again. i wanna im just scared of the end and what might happen

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Well if you are both in love with each other all over again, I don't see the problem.

You can't let the unknown future stop it from happening.

Yes maybe you two will end up breaking up again, but things happen.

But think of the positive side.

You two could live a happy life together, experiencing all sorts of things... and im sure that's what you want... so dont let the future hold you back

Keep us updated!

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First, you two should discuss a couple things or ask yourself some questions...while you need to treat it like a new relationship there are some differences.


Have you both looked at what led to end of relationship first time, and not only learned from it, but GROWN from it and worked to fix those things that led to the end? Otherwise, you may have the same problems all over again.


What do you both want - do you want to take it slow and start over again? Or will one of you want to just jump back to where you left off? Ideally, you need to treat it as something new and rebuild the foundation all over again, but you need to be on same wavelength.


If issues arise again, are you two going to address them this time rather than let them fester? Have you improved your communication skills with one another? Are you prepared to do so?


Not sure how/why you broke up..but are you able to trust one another again? And I don't mean in terms of being faithful only, but in them doing this again?


Best of luck, I hope it works out for best! And it is good to see that you are thinking about this before jumping right back in.

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