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i found out what i need but please help me


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for a while now my life has felt incomplete

i reaized that i need to be loved by this girl

i really like her and feel so much for her

we are somewhat friends but lateley me and her have been making out when we meet but with friends

she doesnt like to hang out without any of her friends

i really like her i want to be with her, but its too hard because she doesnt want a boyfriend, she even told me and told my friend that

i have no idea what to do because i like her sooo much and feel soo great when im with her for the times that i am but after i leave i miss her and feel lonely again


i never had a real relationship with a girl before but now i realized i need to be loved and want to be with her so much


what do i do i cant be without her i asked her already and she doesnt want a boyfriend but she doesnt mind being with me every once and a while that we are,but i cant say anything els to her becuase i could lose her by pushing her too much


i need her , i need to be loved but cant push her away





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This might not sound like a good idea now but maybe you should consider it; you should tell her how you feel. I know this sounds hard difficult and almost like relationship suicide or something but if you feel so much for her, maybe you shoud tell her. Okay, like if she doesnt like u that way you might not be friends but if it hurts you this much not being with her, then by telling her you'll be able to let it out and no matter the outcome, you'll feel much betterwith yourself for doing it. However, its up to you since you MAY lose your friend but if your willing to take that chance then its the best choice. Other than that, you'll have to live with not being with her.

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Tell her how you feel. Tell her that you really like her and want to go out with her, have a relationship with her. You will feel better if you take the chance and get it off your chest. She may not be interested but at least you'll have tried. If she's not interested then don't be too crushed. You'll meet other girls who you will like just as much and one of them will like you back.

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Also, if she says no that she doesn't want a relationship, I suggest you don't continue to just make out with her because it will just crush you more. That is why "friends with benefits" relationships don't work out sometimes because one person feels more for the other, and end up getting hurt. You should tell her and see what she says though.

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