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getting over loss of friend

Slow Club

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Now it must said that this friend was also my ex. But I feel like I'm past the getting over her as a lover stage and must now get over her as a friend.


I was pretty close to contacting her just now but didn't because I'm scared she might not want me to.


Would you say that getting over a friend is more or less like getting over an ex?


I still feel she's my best friend and therefore still want to talk to her. Is it bad that I still care about her?

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Personally, I find the loss of a friend way harder than the loss of a BF.

You can get a new guy like *that*...

Someone to take you out & snuggle with is easy.

But to find a BFF in which you could do everything together is HARD.

I'm 26 & I've only had 3 of these people in my entire life.

I recently just broke up with 1 & I find it harder to get over her than my XBF I was with for over ayear.


It depends on why the friendship ended.

Girls tend to come/go so if she's the 1 who took space from you I'd leave her be.

If she comes back, receive her, but not with completely open arms.

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