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My current situation

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Hi All


I'll try and keep this as short as possible...


So I met this woman on JC before travelling to Japan alone last year in October. I just wanted to find locals who I could talk to and show me around as it was my first time visiting Japan and I don't speak Japanese. I am Aussie and 28, she is 32, really sweet and nice and she drove to Osaka from her home in Nagoya to meet me. We ended up getting along quite well and she took me around a lot of the Kansai region and Nagoya, mostly staying in love hotels along the way (she suggested them). She got very attached and when I was leaving to go home she said she wanted to visit me in Australia and so she did about 2 weeks ago. We had been emailing each other since I left last year but I told her a month or two after I got home that I didn't really want a long distance relationship but she was welcome anytime to come stay with me when she wanted to visit Australia. I took her around to show her some of the local sights and sounds so she had a great time here and we ended up getting quite close again while she was here. During her stay here we were talking and she suggested that I could stay in Japan with her (long term) and teach English while I'm there to earn money. At the time it sounded like a good idea to me but now after she has left and I think about it more, I'm not quite sure if it will be for me. I do like her and she says she truly 'loves' me and I do want to visit Japan again, but I don't think leaving my career here for an extended period of time is a good idea. Like I have said she is VERY attached and before she left kept asking me if I was her 'bf' and really wants to be with me. We still talk to each other every day and I don't want to break her heart as she has treated me and my family so well.


Any advice would be much appreciated!

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