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I accidentally subscribed my ex's YouTube playlist and suddenly he contacted me

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My ex dumped me 1 year ago and I went to NC. He wanted me to be his "friend with benefits" and I didn't agree, so I thought that it's for the best if we cut the contact even though it had torn me apart. 1 year after, out of the blue, he sent me a "friend request" on FB. I didn't replied him anything. I actually had no idea what he wanted from me since so long time passed. So I simply deleted his friend request and a week passed in silence.


Tonight, it was 2 a.m. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to listen to music. I had no music on my computer, but I had the link to ex's playlist on YouTube. He always had a good taste in music, so I decided to "Subscribe" this playlist (just in case I don't need to click this link every time I want to listen to music). BOOM! I had no idea that once I click "Subscribe" playlist button, an automatic email notification will be send to him. 10 minutes after, I got a FB message from him (note, it's still 2 am!): "it's a pleasure that You still remember me " I was in such a shock that I replied "Hello to you too." Half hour later he replied "Well hello how are you? " From this point I looked at the time and it was 02:39, so I decided not to reply anything more.


I feel like a total idiot and lunatic at the moment having nothing to do at night. I didn't want to reveal that I was secretly going through his playlist and now everything is clear. I don't even know why I replied to him at all. Now the ball is in his yard, because I stroked his ego, didn't I?

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You didn't stroke any ego.... You like the same music as your ex does and decided to add his playlist. He made a self-centered statement by saying "It's a pleasure you still remember me"... Like really dude? No. I didn't go out of my way to do that.. I added your playlist because I like the music, moron... lol


And your response was just "Hello to you too.".... That's barely ANYTHING at all to warrant any 'ego stroking'.... Imagine if you wrote something like, "Of course I still remember you! I think about you a lot and miss you. How you been? "..... If you were to write something like that, then YES. That's EGO STROKING. The ball is NOT in his court, trust me... He's on the bench, as far as I'm concerned... You're running the show, and quite frankly, you should be ending the show. Move on from this and stop the contact. Neither of you are ready

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Today I was a little bit off-guard because of my inner curiosity so I decided to check what does he wanted from me. I had no tactics so I just decided to be alert to every single word he says:


Him: Well hello How are you? message from yesterday

Me: I'm fine

Him: You know, it's very unhealthy to keep your anger on people, don't you?

Me: Do you feel guilty about something or do I look angry?

Him: maybe it just seems like it or maybe I do feel guilty

Me: so how can I help you?

Him: oh, I don't know tell me how are you

Me: I'm fine, I've already told you, I'm graduating uni

Him: and that's all?

Me: you'd better tell me, what exactly do you want to find out

Him: I don't know


At this point I just decided not to correspond any longer, because I got my answer. Probably he just didn't have what else to do because there's no concreteness in his messages. It looks like he just want to spend some time chatting and keeping up to date. And I don't want to give him the pleasure to know about my new life anything.

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