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i have a boyfriend but i like another guy

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ok this has just been bugging me for the longest time.


i have a boyfriend and weve been together for almost a year.....meaning weve been through a lot......and i love him a lot and he loves me. but we got to different school so i dont seem him everyday. but i do see this one boy that goes to my school who is super hot and i cant help but like him. i feel so bad....because i find myself thinking about him....when i have a boyfriend. id never want to break up with my boyfriend or hurt him in any way but i cant help but want to pursue something with this guy that i see at school everyday. am i just being superficial and liking him for his looks? enough that i might do something stupid like break up with my boyfriend to go out with a guy that i dont even know....but just thinks hes hot. hes not even my type and i know my parents wouldnt like him....but im so attracted to him. weve made eye contact and he has the nicest smile. do u see how i have a crush on him? well yeah....thats soooo bad cause i have a boyfriend. help.

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We as humans are unsatisfied creatures that's what makes us rage war , fight , steel and pathetic so you have a boy friend , not satisfied then why not just tell him that you like another guy and get it over with , but it's that greed inside us that wants us to have more of anything and that unsatisfaction is just what makes us humans .


Fight your otherself , Or accept the consequences of giving up to your human nature .


good luck .

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You are attracted to him because he seems unavailable to you....but if you cheat on your boyfriend, I think you should consider that no man likes to have a woman who has cheated on him. If he has any respect for himself, he will dump you, as you deserve to be. SO it is a serious choice: do you want your boyfriend, or do you want this man who attracts you? From what I can see, he is this jerk type who has all the women he wants, and he will have you and leave you. So in the end, you will lose both. If that is what you want, go ahead. Check out the other single males meanwhile. You are likely to need them sooner than you think.

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Well Tiffany, there is always a tendency for people to want to try things they have never experienced before. Some people grow out of things and get on with new ones, some people strive to discover the deepest meaning in whatever they have around them.


It's always good to be exposed, to be open to opinions before you formulate your own. And it's also good to get exposure with different friends from the opposite sex. (and NOT to have SEX!!) I don't encourage you to leave your current boyfriend for this new dude you have just met in school.


YOu should not enter into relationship with someone just based on physical attraction and curiosity. Whenever you enter into a relationship, you always try to make it work. And you don't do that with someone whom you barely know.


Another thing about a relationship is that you always aim to satisfy each other's needs .... NEVER to gratify your own needs. If you are someone ho only takes and don't give, you will find your other half soon getting tired and out of energy. HE will leave you eventually. This goes the same if you are the giver and he is taker. IT will tire you out if your partner does not satisfy you.


Back to the topic, i won't tell you to satisfy your curiosity and get on with this new guy you just had a crush on. Because this would be totally unfair to your boyfriend and if you do the math ..... you might end up losing both. (New guy dumps you, old guy rejects a patch back)


You should leave you boyfriend only if you realise that he is not the guy for you and you feel that you can't see him in the picture of your future. In life's journey, you will always meet someone more charming, someone cuter, funnier, nicer .... will you leave one guy after another just because you found someone else more superior?


Well, i guess when you say you love someone for who he is ... you meant who that person is ... and if he is the only person .... who can be better than being who he is other than himself? Get it?

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